
joined 1 month ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

Thanks for the assist. :)

[–] 5 points 4 hours ago

That is what the "block community" button is for. I enjoy hentai media, which has a wide assortment of flavors. Including permutations of furry porn.

[–] 9 points 7 hours ago (4 children)

Question: is there such a thing as an "True Neutral" Lemmy instance that federates with everything by default?

[–] 17 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

I like AI, but it definitely isn't ready for something so important as governance.

Which is why it is perfect for DOGEbags: They want to break everything, and just say the AI is at fault. Odds are that they will blame gay furry hackers for trying to ruin everything.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

I was looking to jot down that quote. It perfectly encapsulates the shitbags who denies vaccinations or the damage that DOGE is doing to humanity.

[–] 1 points 15 hours ago

You might be interested in History of Everything's video, "How? How educated people commit genocide". It is available for free, uncensored, at his Patreon. This is history that should be remembered, so that it can't be repeated.

How? How educated people commit genocide

[–] 3 points 15 hours ago (4 children)

I disagree about private corporations. Money is no different from that of religion, violence, or any other form of power. So long as you have a large monopoly on these things, you can greatly influence people to speak...or silence them. Reddit traditionally served as a public square, but now we see selective speech being forced upon everybody: Musk good, Luigi bad.

It is one thing to control speech within your personal dwelling, but it is quite another when you are in charge of a service. Should you be allowed to ban gay folk from buying cake? Or prevent a black man dating a white girl from dining at a classy restaurant?

Violence has many permutations, and forcing everyday norms is by far the most corrosive to personal identity and the social fabric.

[–] 3 points 18 hours ago (6 children)

I am a free speech absolutist. Evil people should say what they want to that I can tell them what will happen if they try to ICE my neighbors. 🔫 🩸

The thing about modern discourse on social media platforms like Reddit, is that bigots get to threaten people all they like. If a good person mentions Luigi or what should happen to Musk, they get banned. THIS is the real threat to democracy.

It is best if the bad guys don't work in secret. They should expose themselves to be monsters early and often, with decent folk making it clear that evil positions deserve equally merciless responses. I think part of why the Republicans have been so successful, is because they feel like "winners" to people who value assertiveness. Democrats almost always holds true to decorum and norms - which gives them the impression of being "weak" losers.

Some people vote for the strong, because by extension, it makes themselves feel strong. I think this explains why some people simply never listen to any amount of reason or evidence - they perceive the world through feelings, not thought. This is why "rough" speaking democrats might hold value in our society, because they can speak the same language, while still holding the values of goodness close to their heart.

To put it simply, a lot of Republicans might cease supporting Trump, if the following entered their mind: "They are stronger than me. I don't want to get punched! Let's stay home." isn't terrific, but I think some people are simply biased towards authority. Be it good or evil.

Thing is, those terrible people don't enjoy the everything that they already own, and don't understand that they are killing cool things in the crib. People make inventions and entertain if they can...because it is fun, and they think they got neat things to show the world. Problem is, prosperity is needed to allow people to have the luxury of trying to create.

The wealthy are murdering the golden geese of culture and technology. They won't be happier for it, and will simply use their chainsaw to keep killing humanity in a desperate wish of finding happiness.

If you talk about the Founding Fathers, specifically regarding treatises on violence. The Tree of Liberty was an autoban for at least a decade now.

If you dare speak on how the Tree of Liberty needs watering with the blood of patriots and tyrants, you get auto-banned. Reddit has been a fascist in sheep's skin for at least a decade.

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