Excellent retort, but I can cite the legislative record supporting my point.
Blocking roads in protest has proven effective at exactly one thing: Increasing the enforcement and penalties for jaywalking.
It is counterproductive at everything else.
did you think that huddling on sidewalks holding signs was supposed to do something?
Where did I say huddle on sidewalks?
I think JSO should be firebombing ICE car dealerships, gas stations, muffler shops, and other entities and agents of the oil industry. Not harassing victims of that industry.
Public roadways are for travel.
I am not sure where you are getting that "theoretical" bit. It's not theory.
In theory, you can purchase a gun with no training whatsoever. In practice, you'll have a tough time avoiding the bare minimum safe handling instruction the seller is going to give you. Upon receiving that instruction, you can't really say you have had "no training" whatsoever.
Looking at it another way: I don't personally know anyone over the age of 6 who has never received any sort of training on safe gun handling. In Theory, such people exist and can suddenly decide to buy a gun on a whim with zero research or experience. In practice, not so much.
Try it.
No, seriously, try it.
Go in, tell them you're a first-time gun buyer, and try to walk out without receiving basic safety training, referrals and/or invites to ranges and practical training.
It is theoretically possible to buy a gun with absolutely no experience or training. But, you would have to go in to the process with some sort of malicious intent, even if that intent is just to cast FUD on the purchasing process.
steam cools back to water
That one. The most common methods of condensing that steam rely on large bodies of water acting as heat sinks. Water in those large reservoirs is lost to evaporation, which is exacerbated by the additional heat.
The water in that reservoir must be reserved for the nuclear plant; a drought that drains the reservoir will knock the plant offline.
Air-cooled condensers are possible, but at significantly reduced efficiency, especially in already hot environments.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Did you know you can just buy shoe polish? You don't have to find a boot to lick it off.
You're a couple layers off in the protocol stack, but yes. AFSK (Audio Frequency Shift Keying) is a method by which digital data can be encoded on a narrow audio stream. It's basically an old-school dial-up modem.
You can create and/or interpret those audio streams on a smartphone or computer via a headphone jack to pump them to/from the radio.
Ham Radio has APRS, which could be considered a "text based social platform".
Prime is garbage. Even if it's free on Prime, I hoist a sail.
Just saying...