
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Agree, it's like it's just intense enough to pretend that it's doing something without actually doing anything. And then you sense when it's coming to your calves and you just pray that it gets off your calves quickly!

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

As a Christian, I can completely relate to your sentiment. I've found Christians to be the most closed-off, narrow-minded group of people, distrusting and even downright antagonistic of anything that sounds "non-Chiristian."

As a Christian, I'm sorry you've been hurt. It's not right.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I've accidentally walked into a seedy massage once or twice...I mean, if you've got pain you want got rid of and you see a sign that says, "walk-ins welcome," you ignore a lot of warning signs. Even though it soon became obvious that I wasn't their typical clientele, I appreciate how they just get in there and do the job. It seems most legit places are afraid to do anything--which I guess makes sense since massage therapy can sometimes result in sexual harassment suits.

But, yeah, no more Asian massages. Sadly, there don't seem to be any legit ones, which is a shame because you have shady businesses ruining it for immigrants who legitimately want to provide a good massage.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Walking into an IKEA store.

It was a sensory nightmare.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I've only been flying as an adult once, during the pandemic when I could finally afford it (long story). But I loved everything about it, even what most people would consider an "inconvenience." (didn't have a seat-kicker, thankfully). I'm always seeking adventure and love new experiences, so I loved it!

Unfortunately can't afford it again. Don't you love our upside-down economy?


I'm definitely a sensitive man. Like most sensitive men, I definitely find it challenging in the "yeah, you gotta eat 50 lb of bacon, pump iron 7x a day, never smile, and always take on a challenge" world of masculinity. I mean, we've definitely come a long way over the last decade making emotions something men can accept, but we got a long way to go.

Most articles I read about sensitive men are mostly about hiding it, how we're not supposed, to, and then when we do we'll feel better, blah blah blah. But I'm already expressive. I find it challenging, from both men and women.

From men, I don't feel like a man (I don't mean in the sexual sense...just from a psychological sense). In men's groups I get so tired of talking about work and (maybe) hobbies I just wanna run out of the room screaming. It's hard to find any other men who are okay talking about their feelings. When I do (I'm not afraid to), I find no one is able to relate.

From women, I think they often want to see me as a stereotypical stoic man. So when I do express myself, I'm seen as "not manly," which can be a turnoff, whether for romance or friendship.

So how do other sensitive men cope with expressing their feelings?