Too bad. I hope our leaders don't fall for this game. We've begun, keep it up.
For basic, advanced and wilderness first aid and cpr check out the red Cross or even just search for providers in your area if you are in a city. There should be loads for small training centers for first aid. Municipal offices if you live rurally can help guide you. Personally I would avoid St John ambulance because they are closely tied to funding projects in Israel and the ongoing Genocide/Holocaust happening in that region.
If you want to go a little deeper and more advanced look for Emergency Medical Response, Emergency Rescue or Emergency Medical Technician programs.
There will also be a large need for individuals trained in and possessing the personal equipment for confined space and high angle rescue, firefighting, heavy equipment operation and truck driving. There are currently varied length and depth training programs for all of these as well in many areas.
Trauma first aid, as required by a combatant, will be difficult to find in the wild if you are not already a medical provider like a paramedic or nurse. I suggest writing your MP, MLA, Mayor or council to suggest a civil defence force be organized immediately to provide such training along with marksmanship, food growing and preservation skills, community defense planning etc.
It's time to prepare.
They already have.
What you are doing on a truck is not what you are stocking for in this circumstance. The dressings that expire will be necessary anyway because if this action happens supply will not exist. Remember COVID? Many of our medical supplies come from the US and are manufactured there. If you are in action a trauma kit is what you need. If you are at home a first aid kit is what you need. Different contents for different uses. Your ambulance also has a huge building somewhere full of supplies. A normal person just doesn't have that access. You use one and it is replaced immediately.
Sam splints, narcan triangles are all useless in the situation this kit is packed for. Your suggestions are great for a stay at home kit or a kit for your car.
Trauma training is required learning for any combatants. This is the kit you need for that training and the uses you will encounter. All the treatments are easily learned and not difficult to remember and non medical combatants are trained in these procedures regularly. This situation should it arise will require more people to be able to deal with major trauma not chest pain and overdoses like you are accustomed to and should combat arise your ambulance stock will change dramatically as well based on where you are serving.
Agreed. Myself as well and I have loads of time to give.
The very thing they feared they have become seems to be the theme of the world lately.
Put the funds from that cancellation toward a contract with Ukraine for advanced drone technology and the capacity to manufacture it domestically.
Not my problem. Just doing my job.
As a Canadian I agree but that is difficult. Canada is so integrated with the US that they basically refine all of our crude. Canadian crude is unlike crude from anywhere else and has to be refined a certain way. So we have to build refineries or you do, that can handle our capacity. That takes time and certainly won't be instantaneous. It's not like we can just divert.
And it allows him to manipulate the stock market where all the so called money is.