It's not American thing - it's a human thing. We tend to group people into us and them.
But also, stereotypes don't come from thin air. There's usually atleast a hint of truth to them. However, where people go wrong with this is when they apply it to individuals. It doesn't work that way. These are group differences. When speaking of individuals there's a greater differences to be found within a group than between them.
I think one of the most informative features of one's personality is how they handle setbacks. Nobody's perfect but I think an adult should be able to control the expression of their emotions. Something like getting angry at a game and screaming at it let alone throwing the controller is a huge red flag for me. I can't think of a situation where letting anger take control of you has ever produced a better outcome compared to staying calm unless you're literally in a fight.
I don't know if it's my experience with meditation or what but I see anger as such a powerful emotion that it pretty much cannot sneak up on me. The first moment something anger inducing happens to me it's like an alarm that goes off inside my head telling me to play close attention to how I'm going to react. Something like annoyance on the other hand is much more sneaky and has significantly higher chance of poisoning my mind before I detect it.
A little, but in the opposite way from what OP is describing.
I saw a second Trump term coming from a mile away. Not because I had any insider insight, but because I would have been genuinely amazed if he didn’t win and I place the majority of the blame for his victory on the left. They had four years to course-correct, but instead, they doubled down on the very things that made them lose the first time. So even though I didn’t want him to win, I can at least take some satisfaction in the fact that the people responsible for it are now pissed and got exactly what was coming to them. Their refusal to give an inch made them lose everything.
Grand visions of a utopian future are meaningless if you can’t even win an election. Trump’s ad campaign summed up perfectly where the left went wrong: “Kamala is for they/them - Trump is for you.”
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Doing the scanning on-device doesn't mean that the findings cannot be reported further. I don't want others going thru my private stuff without asking - not even machine learning.