Well, rest assured. This is a meditation app - he doesn't share his political opinions in there. He has a podcast (and substack) for that for which he'll also give anyone a free subscription to in case they want to look into this controversy and hear from the original source rather than from the famously anti-Sam Harris reporter, Ezra Klein
And why do people need to be warned of that for?
PM me and I'll give you a free month to the Waking Up app or alternatively message the support there and ask for a free subscribtion and they'll give you one for a year and then you can ask again next year.
The people "not gaining weight no matter how much they eat" often aren't eating as much as you think. I've heard people say this of me too but they just don't realise how often I skip meals. I regularly eat just breakfast and nothing else the entire day. Yeah, you might see me destroying 700 grams of candy at one sitting but what you don't know is that's also the only thing I've eaten all day.
Doing the scanning on-device doesn't mean that the findings cannot be reported further. I don't want others going thru my private stuff without asking - not even machine learning.
It's not American thing - it's a human thing. We tend to group people into us and them.
But also, stereotypes don't come from thin air. There's usually atleast a hint of truth to them. However, where people go wrong with this is when they apply it to individuals. It doesn't work that way. These are group differences. When speaking of individuals there's a greater differences to be found within a group than between them.
I wasn't talking about feeling angry but rather how one expresses that feeling. Swearing, raising one's voice, hitting and throwing stuff are things people do on top of being angry. It's the behavior I critizise, not the emotion.
I think one of the most informative features of one's personality is how they handle setbacks. Nobody's perfect but I think an adult should be able to control the expression of their emotions. Something like getting angry at a game and screaming at it let alone throwing the controller is a huge red flag for me. I can't think of a situation where letting anger take control of you has ever produced a better outcome compared to staying calm unless you're literally in a fight.
I don't know if it's my experience with meditation or what but I see anger as such a powerful emotion that it pretty much cannot sneak up on me. The first moment something anger inducing happens to me it's like an alarm that goes off inside my head telling me to play close attention to how I'm going to react. Something like annoyance on the other hand is much more sneaky and has significantly higher chance of poisoning my mind before I detect it.
so you can just move on
Oh, you're highly underestimating my capability to get stuck in the little things
The whole idea of having your house hooked into a gas line is bonkers to me. I'm a plumber whose constantly fixing leaking pipes in people's homes. Gasses have even higher tendency to leak than water and it's much harder to detect. In the worst case scenario it can literally blow up your house so that's there's nothing left of it. No thank you.