
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Then you are using it for music and pay the full rate.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Ah, I was thinking more of a spinlaunch thing. Yours would make more sense, but would require a fuckton of industry in space or on the moon to have it work. I wonder how much more effective a self contained spinlaunch style thing would be on the moon.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You still need to fire an engine on the far side of your orbit though which makes it more difficult as it still needs to be able to propel itself (while surviving the acceleration)

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Look for a square or an X (or a square with an X in it) right Infront of the stop line for the lights. If it's there, that detects a car waiting.

There may be more of them further up the road to detect more cars waiting/arriving.

They are basically using big loops of wire to detect cars through magmatism.

They tend not to detect cyclists, so I often have to move to the side and wave cars forward so lights on side streets will change.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Isn't that the vault that is unstable as we underestimated climate change?

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I consider temperature and fan controls to be safety critical for demisting windows etc for example.

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

I think the concern is that although it's victimless, if it's legal it could.... Normalise (within certain circles) the practice. This might make the users more confident to do something that does create a victim.

Additionally, how do you tell if it's really or generated? If AI does get better, how do you tell?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

Hi, I'm looking for some recommendations, mostly looking for pointers of where to go and look at/research stuff as I have no idea what is good and what is just well advertised.

Intro: I have finally entered the world of (almost) Gigabit internet, which is opening up options with what I can host.

I currently have:

  • Pi hole on an actual RP (will probably remain there because its easy)
  • Inbound Wireguard VPN on my old router (will stop working when my old ISP stops service) EDIT: my new ISB gave me a router, but it doesn't have VPN functionality
  • Foundry VTT that I run up on my gaming machine when needed

I will probably also be upgrading my gaming PC in the next few months, so my current rig will probably be put behind the TV to use as a server and for couch gaming.

Info/recommendations I would like:

  • VPN software (I want to VPN INTO my network) My goto would be wireguard, is that still a good option? (I assume I just port forward the VPN ports to the server?)
  • Private cloud/File server: I both want to be able to occasionally (but permamently) host files publicly, but still have the main store be available on the local network only. Is that going to be two pieces of software, or just one?
  • Is a local video streaming app actually useful for a rare watcher of movies etc, or can they be streamed directly from the file server? its something that I see a lot of people talk about, but don't really understand why...
  • Is Docker the way to go for everything? or just install on the machine directly?
  • ~Piracy~ VM - Enabling the virtualisation stuff for Docker mostly breaks virtualbox (at least on windows) any recommendations for how to nicely run a VM alongside docker (if that's the recommendation)?
  • Should/Could I be hosting anything else? Foundry will probably be on there. I don't feel like I have a use for smart home stuff, so home assistant wouldn't be much use etc.