Who pissed in your gene pool? ^it was me^
I want to watch this series.
Jesus the time traveler tells off assholes.
then the spiders crawl all over you and build the web
Say it ain't so
Your bug is a heartbleeder
Say it ain't so
My NIC is a bytetaker
I am of two minds on this. I love repairing electronic equipment, it's what I do for a living, and I buy old tech to fix up all the time.
Replaceable batteries seem like a good thing, in terms of reducing waste for devices that are otherwise still useful... theoretically.
Realistically, the charge management circuitry and the battery chemistry in phones has gotten so good today that most batteries have a useful lifespan that is longer than the useful life of the device. Three years is easily doable for any mid-range phone on the market.
At five years you're probably going to be disappointed with the battery performance, but how many people are continuing to use a 5-year-old phone? At that point the internal technology has changed substantially and there might even be a new network standard that you want to use, so you're probably replacing the whole device even if replacing only the battery is an option.
On top of that, giving the user access to the battery means the phone body can't be fully sealed against moisture and dust, plus the access panel is a big mechanical weakpoint which means the body will be less rigid than a fully enclosed device and thus more prone to breaking when dropped or sat on. Adding those weaknesses back into mobile devices will make them more fragile and (I predict) will lead to more frequent failure and replacement of the entire device, which will offset any waste-saving benefit from the replaceable battery.
Plus, the addional space required to fit in the replaceable battery casing, the removable access panel and the contact points for the battery means either the whole device will have to be bulkier or the battery will have to be smaller (than it would otherwise be with a permanent internal battery).
Replaceable batteries made a lot more sense in 2010 when the batteries were shit (and sometimes still NiCad) and the charge management was basically nonexistent (so the battery cycling wore it out faster). Today it's weight and bulk, plus fragility that will probably lead to equivalent or increased e-waste.
Almost all of these turn into attempts to get the target to buy into some crypto scam or other.
It's not meant to catch people who are moderately aware, it's meant to catch the stupid, ignorant, and easy to manipulate. Being an obvious scam is part of the utility - it saves time by naturally filtering out anyone who is too aware to actually give them any money.
The issue is more that trying to upgrade everything at the same time is a recipe for disaster and a troubleshooting nightmare. Once you have a few interdependent services/VMs/containers/environments/hosts running, what you want to do is upgrade them separately, one at a time, then restart that service and anything that connects to it and make sure everything still works, then move on to updating the next thing.
If you do this shotgun approach for the sake of expediency, what happens is something halfway through the stack of upgrades breaks connectivity with something else, and then you have to go digging through the logs trying to figure out which piece needs a rollback.
Even more fun if two things in the same environment have conflicting dependencies, and one of them upgrades and installs its new dependency version and breaks whatever manual fix you did to get them to play nice together before, and good luck remembering what you did to fix it in that one environment six months ago.
It's not FUD, it's experience.
This is also a great way to just break everything you've set up.
OK, so that's a possibility, but when you start adding a ~$30 fee on top of the cost of the part and shipping from Fairphone you're looking at about $100 per repair, which stops making sense pretty quickly. You're better off spending a little more money on a good device that is dust- and moisture-sealed and taking care of it for a few years.
The guy that invented the Kaiser roll, obviously.
As others have pointed out you can do this, but there are at least two major advantages to the way Linux distributions use package managers:
Shared libraries - on Windows most binaries will have their own code libraries rolled into them, which means that every program which uses that library has installed a copy of it on your hard drive, which is highly inefficient and wastes a lot of hard drive space, and means that when a new version of the library is released you still have to wait for each program developer to implement it in a new version of their binary. On Linux, applications installed via the package manager can share a single copy of common dependencies like code libraries, and that library can be updated separately from the applications that use it.
Easy updating - on Windows you would have to download new versions of each program individually and install them when a new version is released. If you don't do this regularly in today's internet-dependent world, you expose your system to a lot of vulnerabilities. With a Linux package manager you can simply issue the update command (e.g.
sudo apt upgrade
) and the package manager will download all the new versions of the applications and install them for you.