
joined 2 years ago
[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

That guy doesn’t deserve another Hollywood cent.

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 13 points 6 days ago

I watched A Knight’s Tale religiously for years, loved that movie. And the leading lady is fine AF!! I crushed on her so hard growing up. Years later I was dating who was to become my ex-wife, and I just left the movie on when the credits started rolling. Listening to the faux period ‘rock’ music and cleaning up dishes after dinner on the couch. And then… I hear voices in the living room… and I dropped everything.

For a decade and a half I’d watched this movie, maybe even twenty years… idk. And I had NEVER let the credits roll. It was a damn romantic action comedy. In what world does it warrant an after credits scene?!?! And lo and be behold… there it was all along; “Lichtenstein”, I’ll never forget that song.

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

WFH 1 week a month, 3 and 4 day weekends almost twice a month, little oversight over my position but I’m a self starter so I’ve got control of my day-to-day, no strict hours but we generally say 9-3 w/ up to an 1.5 lunch (I pull from 8 to 5 or later, w/ 30 minute lunches plenty often, but that’s by choice when there’s work to be done or I finish lunch early), gym on campus, work dorm.

Drawbacks: coworker is old, senile, and actively threatens violence when he doesn’t get his way or is mildly offended. Work is actually 4hrs away from home, so I spend the week here, so does the senile old man... I work 1 weekend a month on top of my M-F schedule. We don’t really have a real kitchen, I make my own meals in a break room with a hot plate. Other workers sometimes get into my groceries, pots and pans, and other kitchen items. Temperature control here sucks, the office is either freezing or boiling half the year, to include the showers (you get out and start sweating or freezing immediately some days). My office is missing one of the standard positions for an office like ours, so I’m doing 80-90% of the job of two people and yet my senile coworker who only has his one job complains when he has to do about 10-20% of the remaining job of the position we don’t have… he’s retiring by the summer, so now I ALSO have to do his job until we hire someone else. With the economic situation the way it currently is in the US, our budget for hiring has been threatened, so idk when we’ll get a replacement, even though we’ve already found a candidate who wants the position. Oh, btw… that senile old man? In a typical office like ours? He’d direct report to me… but, with how ours is a little atypical, that is one of the smaller changes.

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Don’t put it past Trump to declare war, this time with the federal gov’t on the side of the (new) confederacy.

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Remember, that’s also feeding directly into the point of the Russian propaganda to destroy the US, historically the leading force in Western Democracy, from within. Granted we’re like 4-weeks past a total shift in US politics…

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I’ve gone there probably 3-4 times, recognized it right off the rip. It was a big part of the U.S. civil war (objectively speaking, more or less the civil war was one of its biggest historical moments), and was a good representation of the technological advancement of cannon barrel rifling vs mortar (brick) forts and how those forts became obsolete.

[–] NJSpradlin@lemmy.world 14 points 1 week ago (12 children)

And there goes their federal funding…. For everything.