"Harris supported genocide in Gaza" helped elect a fascist dictator wannabe who has whole throatedly supported the ethnic cleansing of Gaza so that he can build a billionaire's paradise resort.
But by all means, continue.
"Harris supported genocide in Gaza" helped elect a fascist dictator wannabe who has whole throatedly supported the ethnic cleansing of Gaza so that he can build a billionaire's paradise resort.
But by all means, continue.
No, I'm arguing for not amplifying Conservative taking points. Campaign FOR your candidate, not against another non-Conservative candidate.
In the Ontario election the NDP and Liberals got 320,000 more votes than the Conservatives. Add the Greens and all the right to extreme right parties and the left still won. The PCs have an 83 seat majority in the provincial legislature. There is only one party that can beat the Conservatives at the national level. Spreading anti-Carney bullshit, the SAME MESSAGE THE CONSERVATIVES ARE SPREADING, IS campaigning for the Conservatives whether you're capable of seeing it or not.
I voted NDP in the provincial election. The Liberals and the NDP together got 320,000 more votes than the Conservatives. If you include the Greens and all the right to extreme right parties left won.
It's the same fucking playbook. Sky high promises with no plans. I'm not the other guy. Grievance. Populism.
Wake the fuck up. The christofascists are on the rise around the world. Canada isn't some special snow flake that's immune to their bullshit.
Six of one half dozen of the other.
Spreading anti-Carney bullshit helps no one but the Conservatives.
And yet... the end result is the same.
The Harris supports genocide crowd in the US helped elect a fascist dictator who whole throatedly supports the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Do you think that electing a career politician who has never had a real job and who says nothing but I'm going to magically fix everything and I'm not Justin Trudeau who is going to cut taxes on the wealthy, cut services to everyone else to pay for it, run up the deficit and the debt, then retire to a fat lobbyist job when they are defeated in the next election is going to help your cause? Naivity will help elect a Trump wannabe in Canada, embolden the anti-rights christofascists, and enable the racists who support them.
If you're campaigning against the Liberals you are campaigning for the Conservatives.
You may not think you're shilling but I have news for you.
The anti-Carney bullshit has started. They're afraid. Good.
Yup. That should do it. Taunting Canadians has worked so well so far. Keep it up.
Same fucking playbook.