
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 55 minutes ago

Tull just release the curious ruminant and im a bit meh about it. I really like the first album of the new iteration and the second was pretty good. Am a bit worried though as its like it was really like on the first one, like on the second and sorta meh about the third. So the trajectory is starting to not look good. Some of ians stuff takes a bit for me to warm to. I was a bit meh on roots to branches and later find I liked it. So will give it some more chances and see where it ends up.

honestly I like luigi better.

Its a common euphemism for jacking off. Usually means this is what I think of what your talking about or you.

I have a towel rotation schedule. I have the new towel to dry myself off and the towel from last time to wrap around my waist and the towel before that (which I had wrapped around my waist the last time) goes on the floor for the same purposes as a mat. After that it goes in the laundry.

I get annoyed how putting a source in is not consistantly done with many of them. when you follow up and ask for them you generally get them but im going to look that over. I like when the answer looks like a wikipedia article with little number references.

cameras that cover the microscope and it put in a screen was a godsend for folks with poor vision in the field (and many in the field wear glasses.) any of those sound familiar?

[–] 4 points 11 hours ago

its in portland and he calls it burning man camp so im thinking its something like the old bar camp but instead of being tech its like a side party for folks who attend burning man.


the rave arc continues.

yeah my original comment was on how im not active with them but I greedily wish there was active communities for my vicarious pleasure.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

yeah im on it but like even the news from paizo is not regularly posted which is like I same the minimum it needs to get any traction.

im aware. star trek online is an mmo.


She often talks about womens clothing have inadequate, no, or fake pockets. I do like pockets myself and I love my winter jacket which has a ton. As I have gotten older I have gravitated to more comfortable and usually lighter clothes which usually have fewer pockets (although being mens clothing it still has them). I liked how woman have purses to carry stuff but am not wild about them. I used to sport a fanny back but now I have a homemade sorta bandolier I use which I find easier to throw on and off and stays more balanced.


She has had similarly veined comics in the past and the rollover text on the site has her saying she bets she will be doing a new version of this in 10 years.


I can't imagine going out dancing like I used to.


So I have seen comments that bitwardens extension works and want to check if no script does. Since libre wolf is just configuration I figure most stuff should work but not real sure. I looked to see if there was something like a pinned questions thread which I would normally put a minor question like this. Considering recent news maybe instead a moving from firefox pinned thread for awhile first.


So I got a comment on friday where the person does not understand the comic. This comic is semi-autobiographical. The artist has been doing it for well over 20 years and like im not sure about the initial ones in college but at some point got very good at having I comic every day. I only do the weekday ones which is basically the main thing. They post a non sequitor type thing on saturday that uses the same pattern and sundays is sorta a freeday where they post a random piece of artwork or such that they did. Saturdays is almost always political or pop culture jokes. Anyway unlike most comics the characters have a person and now actually a family behind it. Todays is likely the most common although its not always the flu. Could be someone crashed into their car or really anything you might think of that messed up a significant hours of a day. Might as well mention that while its like a diary the artist has mentioned they intentionally only do stuff from the kids after two years have passed. I think they talk with the kids if they are going to be in the comic and if they don't want it they will do something else.


Just some additional advertising for todays boycott.


I can relate with this one. Not the specific but sitting around later in the day suddenly thinking. Did I do something incredibly stupid earlier???


Was talking with my brother the other night. I was saying. I wonder if folks in nazi germany stood around and where like: This guy is pretty wierd and these things he is doing is wack. He talks like he is going to be a new kaiser or Charlemagne but his supporters are like. Oh don't be dramatic its not the end of democracy.


The guy on the grounds clothes or something likely are supposed to indicate who he is but for me the only thing that made it clear is the nazi (I keep on thinging there is a t in that) flag he seemed to have dropped form the initial push.


This is another kids one. Which given its a diary/blog comic should mostly be the norm. Im really hoping this comic can keep going as it will be interesting for it to turn into empty nesters and old retired folks at some point (you know if that is a thing decades from now). An interesting thing on the site is obby who is the dad (another funny thing he would be called the husband in my comment before the kids) and has taken the tech load including administering the site I think. Anyway he has a note that they removed the banner although in actuality they just changed it to a static thanks to the fans due to the coporate reality of the times. So they are taking a stand here that can be witnessed every day. Its funny because he mentioned they tried to block particular coporations but there are so many possible ones something was bound to slither through. I should note however that my no script still shows googleadservices and doubleclick but since they are running through a service, I assume at least, Im not sure if they really have control of that. Would be neat if they could move the archives to something they controlled themselves and change it into a redirect link.


This is a kid type of thing that Im pretty distant from. Still when talking with my brother on the phone its funny to hear the background antics. Why are you mad? Whats gotten you so mad?

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