This goddamn comic is so fucking wholesome.
I suggest you ponder the words of Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross while having a good think.
This goddamn comic is so fucking wholesome.
I suggest you ponder the words of Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross while having a good think.
He unfortunately got his citizenship at birth. Unless he voluntarily gives it up, can't keep him out of the country. He can however be barrred from obtaining government contracts.
Well this earth has a lot of dicks.
Anything over a fraction of a penny/century is far too much.
Garlic is not required to survive winter.
And you think you are qualified because you cite one source that was heavily biased?
My opinion:
I think asking "is violence justified" in a binary manner means the question can't be answered.
Not all questions have binary answers.
Morality itslef is a quagmire of philosophy.
You can have moral killing, and immoral pacifism.
Rigid adherence to a moral code could lead to immoral acts. Too much flexibility in morals leads to amoral behaviour.
Every life is important, but not to the point where it overrides someone else's rights.
All of this is a spectrum.
It could be naive, but that feels like a binary position on a complex matter.
I can't find the sign up sheet for the info session so that I can understand.
Fucking depressing.