Similar concept:
Op's name is 58008. If witten on a calculator and turned upside down it looks like "BOOBS".
The more people who use blink, the greater Google's control over the standards. Web standards are voted on and controlled by the W3C, a group google is a part of. Google doesn't have ultimate power over this group, but it does have the largest web browser. It can use this to chose what technology is used by consumers, and having a lot of people using a technology gives it a much better chance of being elevated.
When it comes to extensions, relying on adblocking from your browser completely removes the community aspects of ublock, you are giving all that power to a single entity. And using user scripts instead of well established, and vetted, extensions sounds like a security nightmare.
I wasn't talking about putting stuff in, I was talking about removing it. You say it's open source, but google decides what contributions are added to the main repo. Even if you fork it, if it's not in upstream, it won't be used.
Jpegxl is a really cool image format that google hates for some reason. Every major company wanted chrome to support it, amazon, facebook, etc. but google said no, and guess what, no one can do anything about it. If you use blink you're a slave to google.
The problem of using blink is that then you give more power to google. They are the ones developing it, so they can decide what goes in it... cough jpegxl cough...
I'm glad I use a fork, even if it much more unstable. Kind of want servo to become stable and someone to make a browser based on that.
They've released an update, and I'm just generally confused:
I fully believe that they didn't intend for it to sound so... all encompassing, but this update makes me even more confused. What data is "uploaded" to firefox? I just thought Firefox was the browser, not some website. Do they mean the services Mozilla offers?
I still use proton, even after their terrible trump takes, but mostly because I have the legacy tier subscription and I haven't found a better alternative.
I'll still continue using proton, as I haven't seen them staying from their goal just yet, but I'd love to see some alternatives non the less.
I don't see a spooky name and a logo; this is a dud.