Genuine natural free-range titanium is really expensive. Makes sense to look for more affordable alternatives like fake titanium or artificial titanium.
Getting some old computers ready to be sold. Installed Debian on an old one that probably won’t be able to handle W11. Probably not worth much, but better sell it while it’s still worth anything at all.
Also realized I have a some spare SSDs I could use somewhere.
Quick, switch the bat-signal on!
But, but... I saw it on TV. It has to be true.
LOL. I've seen that happen many times. One of my classmates also did that intentionally every now and then.
It was a different country, different system etc. so USA specific things didn't apply. I totally get it why everyone here seems to be so outraged about it, but in this case, it was mostly harmless fun.
Here's how it usually went. You make some close up noises, and watch how other students start packing even though we're nowhere near done yet. The point is that you only make the noises, but don't actually put your books in your backpack. People react to that noise, and assume that everyone else is also packing up already. You have effectively triggered an avalanche. Some people eventually started heading for the door, and that's when the teacher realized what was happening, and had to tell everyone to calm down and take a seat.
That is true. However, spending one hour is way too much. Maybe something like 20 minutes three times a day for two weeks would be better. That way, the impact stress would be tolerable and necessary muscles would have enough time to grow. Sadly, that sort of thing is fundamentally incompatible with the way vacations and ski resorts work.
Regained energy? Please elaborate.
Never tried that before. Normal squid is pretty chewy and tastes like 50% cardboard and 50% meh, so was it the same or even worse?
I've heard many times that "alcohol is worse than smoking pot" or "they're about the same", depending on who you ask. Never smoked pot, so I can't speak from experience there, but booze never caused me any of the weird stuff I read about smoking.
Sure, drink a lot, and you you will run into some nasty problems. Also seems to hold true for the people who smoke way too much. I know some people who have been smoking for years, and their brains are clearly fried to a crisp. Then again, if they had been drinking instead, who knows how bad it would have been. Probably very bad.
However, smoking once can apparently have some unexpected results, whereas drinking once... Well, if you have just a few drinks, you should be relatively fine. If you drink a lot, you'll wake up the next morning in someone else's house with a stolen traffic sign next to you. Oh, and the Unexplained Party Injuries, embarrassing photos, hangover etc. Now don't get me wrong, there are some serious downsides.
It's just that smoking seems to have some truly bizarre downsides. Maybe it's all about how much you smoke.
This is exactly what happened to me. Never really fell in high speeds, because I was always in the easiest slope, so there was no serious impacts. A great number of super slow and gentle impacts do build up over time.
In my case, the only realistic way to learn is to start very slow and practice very frequently. Like, spend a few weeks doing it, but visit the slopes only 30 minutes at a time every day, maybe even twice a day. Unfortunately, that's not how ski resorts and vacations work. Looks like several things are fundamentally incompatible with the idea of learning snowboarding.
Initially, I imagined it’s a cozy cottage in the middle of nowhere, but then I remembered that Switzerland exists. You could totally have some shops only a few tram stops away.