For the same reason we talked on reddit about twitter and facebook all the time. It were previous systems some of us spend the better part of a decade on. It is interesting to share the impression while watching together the Vesusvius erupting and sealing Pompeii and discussing its last chapter.
Flip Flopping Donald
What are you doing here? Looking by your profile, you try to fish for downvotes? I hope you are a bot and not waste real lifetime - like me giving you attention. Turn around buddy, it is not to late.
And for that feat, UK will not rejoin the EU for another decade. This is a very undemocratic move the UK is doing here.
Well, bad news for your skype-faucet. Water will stop running in Mai.
There is an alternative unviserse in which Zelensky did the world a service and has beaten up trump after that and gave him an atomic wedgy. It is sadly not our Timeline.
They are not killing Skype, they just now bury the corpse. Skype died by malnutrion and bad parenting by MS a decade ago.
Very long, but crazy well made presentation of the topic. Facinating.
These things take time. I was a reddit user for 10+ years and left 3 years ago. Since then, reddit is in a downspiral. Whenever I visit Reddit (I still do, without an account) I can hardly recognize the place. There is no hourly changing Frontpage anymore. I sometimes see things that are 1-2 days old. Crazy worn down place.
Why you click on this if you do not want to participate? I have no interest in this discussion with you. If you need the reddit falldown happen in the timespan of a tiktok video, this is up to you. Rome didnt burned down in a day. Those system erode, corrode and fall apart over long times.