
joined 2 days ago

So on March 6th, Seth Magaziner (D-RI) introduced the “No Invading Allies Act”, which would prohibit Trump from invading or seizing territory from Canada, Greenland, and Panama. Here’s a link to read about it:

As Trump continues his threats (which are not “jokes”), it’s important that some action is taken. So far the bill has been cosponsored by Norton (D-DC), McIver (D-NJ), Thanedar (D-MI), Boyle (D-PA), Evans (D-PA), Titus (D-NV), Swalwell (D-CA), and Jayapal (D-WA)

If your Representative isn’t listed as a cosponsor, here’s a link on how to find and contact them and ask them to cosponsor it:

Originally Posted By u/openedgoddamndoor At 2025-03-09 11:25:32 AM | Source


Originally Posted By u/astroxo At 2025-03-08 10:16:08 PM | Source


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Pics aren't great and don't show off the size of the growd well (I'm short, sorry lol) but his staffer told him over 9k came out, so many they had to move a bunch to other rooms where his speech was televised.

Originally Posted By u/anonymous_ape88 At 2025-03-08 06:36:50 PM | Source


Originally Posted By u/or_iviguy At 2025-03-08 06:33:07 PM | Source


r/buycanadian has managed to inspire the creation of other subreddits (I saw one for Europe too). I was wondering if anyone has made one for the us, but specifically something like “buyblue” (not something like buyAmerican, because I think that would spread the wrong message). If one exists, can you post it in here? I think we (I’m referring to myself and other Americans), should be following the Canadians by example a lot more. Idk, I just think having a subreddit specifically focused on it would make it a lot easier for people to boycott Trump supporting businesses, since everything would be all in one place. Also it would be a good way to promote businesses who share our ideals, especially smaller businesses. 💕

This is a repost of my old thread (I deleted and changed the title, thanks to a suggestion 💕)

EDIT: r/progressivedirectory, please give them your support, and help them grow!!!

Originally Posted By u/Venttea At 2025-03-09 10:50:51 AM | Source

submitted 2 days ago by FiftyFiftyOne to c/Mirror

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Regular reminder that when the time comes, they will be the ones arresting everyone for being queer, trans, disabled, a scientist, for just speaking out, etc.

They’re not here to keep you safe, they exist to protect property and power.

Cops are not and will never be safe. They shouldn’t be welcomed or trusted. Ever. Even the gay ones. Even your cousin. Even a woman cop.

This is an image of a line of a few dozen Chicago police officers in riot gear standing outside of and protecting a Tesla dealership.

Originally Posted By u/Spectra627 At 2025-03-09 11:05:23 PM | Source


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Originally Posted By u/transcendent167 At 2025-03-09 05:41:39 PM | Source

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