Nobody is denying that we are all imperfect monkeys nor is stating that being misinformed is the only characteristic of being stupid. I'm simply sayig that making mistakes is human, perservering in being mistaken is diabolical, as we say here in Italy. They knew the man from the previous administration and they actively choose to support him still after they saw what he was able to do with January 6th, besides all other misdees he achieved between 2016 and 2020. They are either morons and idiots or bad people, no inbetween left imho. If you still believe they are capable of changing without receiving an heartfelt apology from them, buddy, I've got a coliseum to sell to you, contact me in private
Or just reality settling in. The choice is theirs, they can still be a stubborn group of idiots unable to see they have been lured into a cult or they can stop this madness, apologize and do better for themselves and for other around them. If they go for the former we are in our full right to let them know how little we care for their fate; they have choosen it for themselves
A smart person is impossible to dupe twice. This is Trump second term, anyone voting for him a second time after the first one does not deserve to be called "intelligent". They are as stupid as they come and they can only blame themselves for that, especially in an era where information are abundant and vary.
Please, allow me to introduce you to Mr. Waltz as rebuking proof to your statement
The ones I know are certainly not stupid but are tragically misinformed and savants of confirmation bias
Can you please define "stupid"? Because this feels like a very apt definition of the word you're trying to use
Waltz, unlike Hegseth, is not a random idiot, he definitely knows better.
I'm pressing X to doubt so hard rn
The Testament album "the new order"
The 5th point is the reason why you should be happy with yourself before embarking on a relationship with another person. Relationships are not the panacea people paint them to be, as all other human endeavours they require work, maintenance and commitment to be healthy and stable. And these can be provided once you can mainly focus on the relationship itself rather than on yourself.
Please note that this doesn't mean that you'll have to cancel all the work you do on yourself while being in a relationship, it just means that your self-work has become such a standard that you don't even have to think about what you have to do to be happy by yourself, you know yourself so well that you do what is needed as if it was a second nature.
Also, avoid thinking about relationships as in your point 4 of the con-list: comparing instinctual behaviour acted by animals with reasoned choices performed by humans is belittling of our actions and an excuse to justify our worst behaviours. We are not (entirely) animals and we shouldn't use them as a ruler to assess what is right and wrong in our day to day activities.
Best of luck for your future
Or they shouldn't be indoctrinated at all but just nurtured and taught? I mean, I get both your positions but we have to face the fact that religions ask their followers blind devotion to their principles without providing proof or logical reasoning, while schools, families and societies usually are able to explain the reasons why certain things are done in certain ways (usually for the common good).
Why should we keep on sending kids to education camps like after school christian classes? Here in Italy we have loads of pupils being taught christianity because "everybody goes to catechismo" (n.b. catechismo Is the name given to these education classes where you are taught how christianity is the only true religion and everybody else is wrong about their gods and beliefs), it should be high time that these would be eliminated in favour of a more general education about religions at 360°. Children should be taught about christianity, islam, buddhismo, zoroastrismo, paganism and all belief systems to understand why they exist and which role they occupy in our lives. This or we can continue with the standard indoctrination because removing it would be harmful against the indoctrination itself as you messages suggest