
joined 2 years ago
[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 2 points 1 hour ago

I'm not arguing that ethics boards cant be overly stringent. But there's a reason we have them in the first place and that still doesn't make it alright to start conducting unauthorised experiments on people.

Even if it turned out OK in this case, and we still can't say that it definitely did, the next person who trys to pull a stunt like this might not be so lucky, qualified, or knowledgable.

What's the alternative here?

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 23 points 1 day ago (4 children)

"Speed limits are holding me back from getting from a to B in as little time as possible" yeah, and they reduce the likelihood of injuring/killing a people in the process.

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Um, is Esther OK? Hes looking a little baked

[–] DrownedRats@lemmy.world 30 points 1 week ago

I'm sorry dude but in the gentlest way possible, you're relying on conspiracy theories to avoid confronting reality and justify your beliefs. It's exactly the same as what q-anon and trump nutters do. I realise that its a coping mechanism to help you deal with the state of things but you can't change anything for the better if you can't engage with reality.

I know shit feels hopeless now but I promise there's things you can do now that will genuinely improve life for yourself and the people you care about. Join communities, volunteer for causes you believe in, get involved in protests, and try and form those social bonds that help break people away from conservative and maga centric thinking. If you think about it, regardless of whether what you believe is true or not, these are still things that will improve life for people who are suffering now.