If you’d used one you would know they show you angles you can’t see otherwise.
There’s also Servo by the Linux Foundation and Ladybird.
These are actual different browsers and engines all together compared to FF spin-offs.
No, it is not accurate in humans at all.
Go learn some biology and human history, you are clearly not informed enough to be having opinions here if you’re at the level of thinking alpha is a thing in people.
Organizations like Fox News, Daily Wire, Wall Street Journal, etc. find themselves constantly responding to the narratives of leftwing media. It’s a common problem for our “conservative” leaders who fail to conserve anything — always responding to the left, never creating narratives of their own. By participating in a fake dialectic created by Democrat operatives, they are complicit in the collapse of the great American empire.
Wow what utter trash is Op sharing here?
We co-operated, it was never a case of strongest = leader. That alpha shit is inaccurate.
States didn’t exist until a few thousand years ago. Hundreds of thousands of years of human history never had states.
You don’t need a state to function and reducing the concept of state to encapsulate non-state things (eg. Parenting) is a bit silly.
We need to give the stolen land back to the people who live there.
Now is the time to invade North Korea while they’re not home.
Israel should be destroyed completely. It’s a coloniser state actively engaged in genocide, let it go the way of Rhodesia.
Mods will ban them, they will make a new account and carry on.
Bans only work for normal people.
Authoritarians love cracking down on minorities.