Maybe it’s the fact I have only one? There are a couples places that would be a lot quieter if I stopped commenting and I’m guessing they don’t really want to bite the many hands that feed. Once comments die it’s just a graveyard of links.
I’m pretty sure my account ban is coming, the fact it isn’t banned already is likely an oversight of the fascist running the place.
I guess it made more interested. For instance, what else have they been doing that for? What if tankies were just ops designed to create leftist discord (and the people dumb enough to fall in with an op)? It’s made me very conspiratorial in regards to the reliability and consensus of anything on the Internet. I’m willing to be wrong about my different pet theories, but with how opaque all these privately owned platforms are and incentive of nations to control information, it’s hard not to be suspicious at this point.
Oh shit, I was wondering why I thought the app was familiar. Good to know!
They project strength, because they’re weak, they fear the strength of the masses, so they convince the individual they are disconnected and weak.
Eventually that backfires hard. There are ways to measure the effectiveness of ads and bots don’t buy shit. The number one ad on reddit is “buy some ads, people love seeing and clicking on reddit ads!”
Reddit ads are terrible, no one clicks them, they all use clickbait post titles, and there’s more each day.
There was a smart way to monetize reddit, their choices make it clear what kind of people are making decisions at reddit.
Did Luigi save us from reddit? What can’t this man do?
Everything that matters - the people and the communities - still exist. Spez was never the best of us, it’s the people that make that platform great (or completely insufferable like r/TheDonald and r/conservative). If they’re going to let everyone shit in that sandbox, we’ll all find somewhere else to hang, at least until the world burns.
That was me until today. I haven’t been banned yet, but it isn’t for lack of trying.
Are you telling me the president’s closest advisor doing double nazi salutes to a cheering crowd and his other closest advisor doing a nazi salute to another cheering crowd isn’t just a coincidence? Next thing you’ll tell me is Musk likes the name X because he enjoys drawing the rest of the swastika.
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