
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Point taken, but, nobody can tell the future (if they could, they'd be in Vegas doing two shows a night).

You make your "best guess" purchasing decisions at a single point in time.

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[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

So why not shift the school starting time instead?

People use schools as daycare, as well as schedule their own events around it. In other words, you'd have to shift all schedules, not just the school start ones.

Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you. I always thought school should start later in the morning, so students are actually somewhat awake when they are there.

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[–] 0 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) (1 children)

Homie I live in Farmersville, USA and there isn’t a fuckbilly from here to Hicktown, USA that is guna bitch about the time it says on the clock vs what they have to do in the time they have with the sun up.

I'll take you at your word as being right, since you have "boots on the ground".

For what its worth, I've watched plenty of interviews on news shows about it over many years, and it allways gets said that farmers want DST. But apparently that's not true.

As far as schools, I stand by my point. Maybe it’ll make the idiots dumb enough to invest in a crotch fruit or two totake a look at the learning efficiency of kids and teens after the 5 hr mark. It’s dumb as fuck having kids go to school 35 hrs a week or whatever it may be.

What the hell does that have to do with parents not wanting their children waiting for the morning bus in the dark? Edit: Not that I'm necessarily disagreeing with you, just saying that's not the point I'm making.

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[–] 1 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (5 children)

The real conversation is why the fucking fuck are we still doing the time change shit??? Push your local representative to get their head out of their ass and vote to stop day light savings bullshit. I thought it was passed already and waiting to be instilled but apparently I was wrong and the fucking bill is still stuck in congress.

Parents don't like their young children going to school in the dark, basically.

~~Also, farmers.~~ Edit: Apparently, not farmers.

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[–] 6 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)

Some games with this on the store page run natively on Linux. Not sure how it works, does the Linux version just not use the anticheat?

They may be a native Linux-supported game.

Otherwise, I know Easy Anti-Cheat is available on Steam for Linux, you install it just like if it's its own game, then other games use it. I don't know about any other anti-cheat software.

You can always check out for info on a specific game.

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[–] 159 points 19 hours ago (10 children)

As a Linux gamer, that uses Proton to play games, I'm sure glad they did.

Makes it easy to figure out if I should bother buying the game or not.

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[–] 8 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)
[–] 32 points 22 hours ago

Older people don’t seem to realize clocks on phones and other devices reset automatically.

That's not it.

In times before there were things like cell phones and auto updating clocks, people would use the upcoming change as a conversational item to interact with each other socially about.

Kind of like how people sometimes talk about the upcoming weather.

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[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Jesus-y? Or Jesussy? Those seem different.

I'd say whichever one seems more like an adverb than a pronoun.

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[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

All hail…the Jesussy

Well, for what it's worth, it's meant as an adverb, and not a pronoun.

But I don't think Jesus would mind, either way.

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[–] 2 points 1 day ago

I want to watch this series.

Jesus the time traveler tells off assholes.

I'm not religious by nature, but yeah, definitely would sub for that series, for sure.

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[–] -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Nah, when he uses his Jesussy powers he'd stare them down quick like, and they'd beg for forgiveness.

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(Edit: Cross-posted OP (link above) was mod removed by the Discord forum 'admin' on 2024-01-19 as being "False claim, false interpreted", so the above link will no longer work.)

Recently read this on a Steam game's reviews section ...

User Comment...

The game's Discord REQUIRES your personal phone number to get access at all. This is a very intrusive, and 100% unnecessary requirement, in order to just be able to interact with others about the game, it's content, player experiences, and many other things. It's also intrusive in regards to being able to contribute any input to help other players in any way at all.

Dev Response...

It's Discord that's asking you for verification of the account. We're not getting your phone number. This is standard practice on bigger servers that allows for a better user experience, filtering bots/ spam accounts, trolls, etc.

Could companies please STOP lying about it being Discord's choice, its not, is the Discord server's choice to ask for it.

Its a "Verification Levels" setting that the server op sets, and they have multiple options that they can choose from, its not an on/off switch. They can dial it back one notch and still have spam/bot protections.

The only difference between "High" and "Highest" verification levels is the addition of asking for a phone number, all other features of "High" is in "Highest", and "Highest" has no other extra features besides asking for the phone number.

Makes it really hard to have an pseudonym account on the Internet, for gaming purposes, and then be asked for your real phone number. I don't need to be tracked 24/7.

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