My wife practices witchcraft, and I have begun to lightly look into it and attempted a few things.
My experiences, and what others would say is this....
Magic is not a 5th level wizard casting a fireball spell. Magic is subtle. Magic is coincidence that you willed.
You're not gonna hit the jackpot on the lottery, but you might find that you have the money for what you needed during the ritual through, shall we say, happenstance?
Intent is paramount. Will is secondary.
If you want a good primer on "real" magic, I suggest looking into Chaos Magic. Liber Null is a book to start with, and is generally recommended. That being said, it assumes a little bit of the reader, and a general understanding of the concepts is advised before reading.
Of course, it could all be bullshit and, like I said, coincidence. However, as research into quantum physics advances, I'm less and less doubtful of "random" things causing long term effect. That being said, I'm human. I inherently have biases no matter how hard I try not to.
Also: I bounced around their podcast based on subject, can you list any specific episodes they discussed this?
Awesome, thanks. I have listened to those, I think, but I'm pretty sure I was at work at the time, so I was in and out on it.
I'll have to go back and give it a re-listen.
Thanks again.