There never was a literal Tea Party or MAGA Party, certain groups simply co-opted or took majority control.
I mean, your phone has a timer feature in the Clock app.
Protests are us being nice btw.
That's right America. Bunch of snooty, wine-sipping, beret-wearing, frogs with their intact democracy and social safety nets are making us look like shriveled nutsacks.
He looks like early 2000s Kevin Rose aged up to pretend he's 2020s Kevin Rose.
MFer hands the WH keys to Hitler with barely a stink or fight. Yeah, fuck that guy.
Yup, he does what his boss says first and foremost. Every now and then Putin let's him pocket the difference.
Is ungoogeled-chromium any less skeezy? It's not my main browser but every now and then I need a Chrome based browser or some sites just don't work right.
If you need the cert to do your job they should compensate you (i.e. allow you to use company time). If it's not required then I would say I'm going to accept the risks of not becoming certified as the time investment is not feasible for me. Many people provide value staying in the same role for years and advancement, if it's a net negative to someone's overall well-being, should be optional at the employees discretion.
I don't think talking politics is a fireable offense but, depending on the tone, I could see it as a threat of violence. I wouldn't call someone a "damn dirty" anything if I didn't feel they needed at least a good slap.
He asked you this on company time? Sounds like a threat and grounds for dismissal.
Now this is the kind of X news I'm okay with reading.
Although I can only imagine what this means for the US since Musk is treating the government like one of his businesses.