
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 10 hours ago

If you ever see little kids with different skin tones playing together, they are clearly not bothered by skin color, and it has no bearing on their play. The racism in America is completely learned. It is not natural. Sometimes consciously, but many times unconsciously.

Loosely similar is how men in most places are fine walking around alone at night. While women consciously try to move in groups, even during the daytime. Many men have no idea how different it is for many women.

[–] 21 points 10 hours ago

It happened for so long, at all levels of society, that it is still affecting us today. It has shaped the cities we currently live in. It has shaped our language. It has shaped our laws.

The first girl Black girl to go to a school that was all white is only 71 years old. And that was barely the start of the end of segregation.

A bad example, because I'm only American, but anyone in the European Union could move anywhere in the European Union. Some places just have depressing weather, or are very isolated. But it would still take a great effort for the people who even want to move to actually move.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

It gets awkward, almost always, about 2 longrows after the hippodust. Sometimes you can go an extra towelspot.


[–] 7 points 1 week ago

AI can only respond with patterns based on what it has seen before. To AI, human language has even less sense than those math problems that draw some shapes and ask you what is the next shape in the pattern.

AI can't think. It only seem patterns and percentages.

Ask it to tell a story about a dog, and it will because it has seen that before. Ask it to tell a story about the 6-legged beings on Pluto and it makes a super generic and short story and just pastes in "6-legged being," because it has never seen any stories like that. It can't imagine a new set of circumstances.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

"Because it's been happening..." Is not even an argument. It's a super lazy answer that shows a complete lack of effort.

Was this same person sitting in a climate controlled building? Did this person eat food they gathered that morning? Does this person do something besides sleep after the sun sets?

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

Readers are also looking in related communities.

This also fragments any discussion.

At that point, it feels more like you're spam-pushing an opinion rather than trying to have a discussion.