Edit: that is as long as you can make yourselves the victim in the situation. Remember when President Trump was trying to distance the USA from China for a multitude of reasons and you called him xenophobic and racist?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!!
As long as it's "Dridiot-umphernickle" (or whatever unimaginative ~~stretch~~ butchering of the English language you all think is hilarious these days) that starts another world war, you all are so fucking on board!!
You guys want WW3 so fucking bad!!!
Edit: that is as long as you can make yourselves the victim in the situation. Remember when President Trump was trying to distance the USA from China for a multitude of reasons and you called him xenophobic and racist?
Pepperidge Farm remembers!!
As long as it's "Dridiot-umphernickle" (or whatever unimaginative ~~stretch~~ butchering of the English language you all think is hilarious these days) that starts another world war, you all are so fucking on board!!