If you watch it and it moves
With this fucking timeline I just assumed this was real
If I hand a child a battery with leaky acid and it burns their hands, why should I be responsible? It's not my battery!!
Silicon Valley is just a scam. They've made billions off selling your data, and selling targeted ads with your own data to be shoved back into your face. Social media has ruined society. Every "innovation" has been some way of stealing from you, whether it's your data, your attention, or now, the entirety of documented humanity.
/end yelling at clouds
Super Mario World, though its caked with nostalgia for me so I haven't played it in ages.
The answer that will get me shot? Paper Mario Sticker Star on 3DS. I just found it absolutely charming, from the music to the visuals to the humor. I have still yet to play TTYD which I've heard is a masterpiece, so I came into Sticker Star blind to the Paper Mario franchise.
Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam. Community has been on a slow decline in America since 1965. The combination of an increasingly isolated population and a 24-hour propaganda news cycle aimed to pit you against your neighbor has been a wild success.