It doesn't preselect, if I choose General and English I'm faced with a list of 18 servers to pick from.
Users will drop off like crazy here due to choice overload -
It doesn't preselect, if I choose General and English I'm faced with a list of 18 servers to pick from.
Users will drop off like crazy here due to choice overload -
If you setup streamio it's literally as easy as using Netflix. And it has everything, it's extremely rare that i find anything that i can't watch
I'm the OP of one of the posts that blew up about UX.
This is great news, I will look into building something like join-lemmy/onboarding that could guide users, or improving join-lemmy
Not necessarily, but we don't want a accidental filter that filters out non tech savvy people. We want all kinds of people on Lemmy
That's bad UX, see the link in my previous comment