Careful, he's a hero
Filelight is about finding the folders you don't use that take a lot of space. Basically an easier way to look into which folder takes up what.
Obviously Internet speed and call quality, plus there are many good technical changes under the hood, such as proper isolation of calls etc.
You do a lot, and thank you!
I also hope the studios behind the film made sure to pay a solid donation.
Can instance admins check her IP?
Hi, I'm Nicole! But you can call me the Fediverse Bitch :D
I'm a proud romance scammer from a basement (45 y/o)
I'm currently taking therapy hoping to leave this bullshit for something meaningful to society!
I actually bought an old used Brother printer for $20, and it came with toner and everything already, so since I do not print a lot, my only recurring fee is paper and it is miniscule. And should I need to replace the toner, it is still widely available.
If only we had more content not related to "look we're free!", "look Linux is freedom", "free free free!", "MAGA bad, but we're independent and free!", it would be even more awesome (not a pun to your side, just a piece of frustration)
Also, for those saying "create it yourself" - I do
That gives a whole new twist to "you'll own nothing and be happy"
Yep, essentially. But that's for the hyperrealistic one.
Open-source models exist and can be forked
By level of confidence, from top to bottom:
Bitcoin will dump soon and then raise up again around 2028
Trump will stay in power until next elections (and yes, elections will still take place)
Ukraine will have to surrender to Russia around late 2025-early 2026, boosting authoritarian regimes around the world
Linux desktop share will raise to 6% by 2027