
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I'm sure FOSS apps are less intrusive, but they still use notifications surely? I'd generally want a calendar or messager app to send me notifications, but I might want to block a specific app depending on my use case.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I don't know how it'd work but I'd be interested in something to deal with spam/scams. That annoying "Fediverse chick" thing, sure i blocked her, as can other individuals. And I guess the account could be flagged to whatever instance the account is registered to? But if it became a frequent problem, with bot account spamming people, it would be handy to have a way a tracking what accounts are getting blocked by lots of people.

Even if I wouldn't want to autoblock accounts just because they're unpopular, I might want to stop or mark as 'caution' private messages from "problem" accounts.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Perhaps I don't think about cousins enough to have considered that. To me "sibling" refers to my brothers and sisters, and therefore extends naturally to "their kids" more than to other family members on the same generation. The old English word that sibling was revived from meant "kinfolk" and would have included all family whether brothers, nieces, cousins or aunts.

If I talk about "my nildren" it's maybe a bit too possessive, and "nids" Is gross, but I'd be open to other suggestions! Niblings is defintely kinda silly, which was part of the charm when they little anklebiters.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Ah, I didn't know that. A quick search suggests that most of the telemetry and tracking have been removed... But yeah, I might look at other options.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I just switched to librewolf and was recommended Fennec on my phone (so far so good!)

[–] 26 points 2 days ago (8 children)

Nibling. Like sibling but for nephews and nieces. Helpful when describing them as a group, or unspecified, and also good if one ends up being somewhere less clear on the gender binary.

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

Yeah, I think this is a naive and hopeful as the maga types thinking Trump is a genius playing 4d chess.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

I think "according to the law" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. That is the part that really makes it an oath to the 'constitution' of the UK. You are pledging alligence to the figurehead of the government, to obey them/the government, as long as they/the government are acting legally. If the government does something illegal, or asks you to do something illegal, you should not obey them.

I'm British, and not a fan of the monarchy (especially Charles) but I think that we can see the advantages of having a head of state who has very little power to fuck things up, and that isn't a position that outside ~~forces~~ billionaires can buy their way into, but has the power to remove a Prime Minister if they tried to do something unconstitutional.

The idea of checks and balances in the US didn't seem to plan for a bad president being elected with enough support in the house and Senate that he becomes pretty much untouchable (especially after a first term stacking the SC).

[–] 6 points 6 days ago

Never care about karma or Internet points. They don't mean anything and caring about them makes social media addictive and unsatisfying.

Websites can be cool, but realistically you'll get a lot less interaction than lemmy/reddit

[–] 30 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I'm defintely not a fan of cops, but in Scotland I never thought of them as evil/lazy/incompetent. They're still the arm of state control, and have been used to break strikes and stuff, but there is at least a vibe of policing by consent. There are plenty of cases of individual cops who were psychos, and the institution defintely defaults to 'protecting it's own' which is a fucking terrible attitude and in my mind makes all cops culpable for the crimes of the "bad apples". So I'm still acab overall.

But most of my interactions with the police have been pretty decent, and that includes being questioned as a suspect (for something that I may not have been innocent of...) They don't 'solve' many petty crimes like burglary that actual effect normal people but they are generally university educated and properly trained.

I now live in France, where the police are none of those things. I've only heard bad things about them ranging from patronising and incompetent to raping student protesters in the back of the police van. I would never ask a French cop for help, but unless I was high or carrying something illegal, i wouldn't be worried about talking to a Scottish policeman.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

I think any good relationship will make you friends, and it isn't awkward, it's great! But having been married a while, it is something you need to work at. With a long term partner they can end up in a bunch of different types of relationships with you - as well as friend, romantic parter and lover, they might be the equivalent of business parter, or boss/employee (for various household and family chores / projects) and learning how to do all those things well, and without ruining the other parts of the relationship can be challenge.

But if the balance is just between 'friend' and 'gf', I'd say the trick is knowing when to prioritise one over the over. There are times I'm horny and want to take things in that direction, but I realise my partner would rather have a cup of tea and complain about work. Equally, we might be getting intimate, and I'm tempted to make some dumb joke, because it's funny and that's what I do with a friend, so I have to weigh up my priorities (mostly sex wins, but sometimes I say the dumb thing and we both have a big laugh and then make dinner.)

[–] 16 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Echoing other lemmings, there's basically no difference. There js a certain niche who seem to think that pansexual is more trans inclusive, but that attitude doesn't align with almost all bisexuals opinions on the matter, or with the history of how the bisexual community has been accepting and collaborating with the trans community since pretty much the birth of both communities.

The delightful verilybitchie, who is both bisexual and trans, has a bunch of good video on the history of bisexuality, trans stuff, and biphobia*. They are defintely worth watching!

/* it's pretty hard to hear 'bisexuals exclude trans people' and not feel like that's an example of biphobia.


I came across this cryptic phrase in a description of an old D&D adventure Tale of the Comet . In context, it seems to describe the designer solving a problem of game balance by having the powerful technology items have limited charges / uses before expiring. But I cannot parse prophet-squeeze-monster and I certianly don't recognise it as a classic trope. Any ideas?

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