Gods but this is gross. The artist really captured Elon in all his sweaty glory
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sweaty and cybertruck-chested
Jack off all trades is gold.
Fuck I missed that actually well done for actually reading things o7
I always look for the Kelly self-inserts. They’re my favorite.
This is a master(bation)piece.
Did I miss something? Is he sending his musk out across the country to willing recipients?
Elon Musk has 13 kids and has previously talked about wanting to repopulate the world with his sperm
Also nice-guy threatened to impregnate that one musician.
14 as of today I believe.
Guess it's better than his VP who gives his to unwilling recipients.
Don’t call it a loveseat if it’s not askin for it
You misunderstood. I meant Musk's VP, The Orange Rapist.
Not sure whether that’s the knot holding the towel up or something else.
Needs more labels
Turkey baster.... love it.
My eyes AND brain are vomiting all over the place.