I'm going to post the same thing I've said elsewhere: in the past month, there have been at least two incidents of people with measles spending hours on college campuses in Texas. It will have spread to at least some of the other students there.
Those campuses go on spring break this month, where they'll spread it to other college students. Those students will go back and spend 6-8 weeks spreading it across campus, and everyone will bring it home for the summer.
If you or anyone you know have questionable immunity, please get vaccinated. I can't speak for Canada, but people vaccinated in the US between 1957 and 1967 may have received a vaccine that didn't provide the full strength needed for lifetime immunity; and those vaxxed between 1967 and 1978 may have received only a single shot instead of the now-recommended two shots. There's a simple blood test to check your antibody levels, or you can just ask for a booster shot.
Also, it's not just suffering and complications from measles you'll need to worry about. Measles can reset your immune system, so that you no longer produce antibodies to diseases you've had before or been vaccinated against. Its a miserable disease. If you might be unvaxxed or under-vaxxed, or know someone who is unvaxxed or under-vaxxed, please arrange for a booster shot!