I think we have bigger things to worry about.
We could prove decisively in front of the world that there is much, much more fentanyl coming in to Canada from the US than the other way around (we have), we could broadcast films of guns confiscated with both Canadian and US border guards testifying to the reality (we've done that, too), we could counter every single lie with proof of the truth and it would not matter one bit, because those who are going to believe us already do, and those who say they don't really mean that whatever the Emperor says he's wearing, he is wearing, whether I can see it or not.
Mr. Trump and his rich sponsors want our resources, our water, our surrender and our country for their own. They will keep at this until either they are overthrown or we beat them in a genuine war, or climate change makes the whole point moot by killing so many of us off that the survivors are left to eat each other.
Read up on Joseph Goebbels' principles of propaganda. You will recognise them all.