While I agree with the sentiment, if the face-value goal of this note becomes true, this has the same vibe as "Sell it to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?"
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Actually, that's exactly the point of "act fast" as described in the text.
If you assume that many will sell their cars, you also assume prices will drop. That means, it's better to sell now, when prices are still somewhat high. It's the same mechanism as in any stock crash.
That's the goal, though. If people start doing this, the value of used Teslas will crater. That will kill sales of new ones. Why buy a new one when you can get a used one dirt cheap? Why buy a new one if you know it will lose all of its value because the used market died?
Still plenty of rubes that support trump. The backlash against tesla actually probably has whole swaths of them looking to buy one to own the libs.
I think that's a big stretch. The venn diagram of people that buy electric vehicles and those that support Trump barely intersect.
We’re talking gold medalists at mental gymnastics though. My right wing relatives are now retiring their own narratives. They used to say “drill baby drill, EVs are for libs.” now they are saying that Tesla is the only brand for a patriot because the company and factories are in America.
I would have said the same about crypto a few months ago, but here we are with a presidential shitcoin grift being carried by millions of Trump supporters
I promise you there's always going to be someone willing to buy one. You'll possibly just have to drop the price really low. I'd buy a used Tesla for a dollar, for example. If people suspect the price is dropping then hopefully they'll panic sell, and force the price to drop even faster.
I honestly don't understand what selling it does though. The same amount of teslas are still on the streets. Please help me understand.
The advice isn't about reducing the number of Teslas. It's about helping someone get out of owning one. Also, that money doesn't go to Elon, it goes to the seller, so to some people, they might consider that part a wash.
If everyone wants to sell and nobody wants to buy, the used price will go down.
If used teslas in good condition are dirt cheap, there's no point buying a new one.
If nobody wants a new Tesla, there are fewer Teslas entering the streets.
More important for your last point, it hurts Musk's value. Most of his wealth is in stocks. Make those drop in value and he has less wealth.
If enough people try to get rid of their Teslas the Used value will crash and bring the New value even further down.
That was observed when Elon in his brilliance secured the Hertz deal and then slashed new Tesla prices. Leaving Hertz no choice but to dump their inventory.
The sell off from Hertz hurt the used value because it was a large supply of "We just want out, we already lost money on these"
I read it as a funny, polite, "fuck you". It's only going to piss someone off who bought a Tesla as a sign of status and is still a fan of Elon Musk. Everyone else will see it either as helpful but misguided or will get the joke.
It may reduce new sales
Cars are worth what someone is willing to pay. More used cars on the market means lower prices means fewer new cars are purchased. The biggest drop in value on any car (bigotry aside) happens at mile 1 when you drive it off the lot. But manufacturers love scarcity when there is high demand, so some manufacturers explicitly forbid buyers from selling their cars (Tesla and Ferrari are the only ones I know of, but there may be more.) If you want one, you must buy it new, and you better buy it quick because it won't last. They don't want buyers leaving the lot and shopping around, they want to create an atmosphere of panic and exclusivity.
Fortunately, they cannot enforce the requirements that you don't sell your car. What they can do is refuse to sell you another one, which Ferrari is famous for doing. With Tesla, if you're selling because you don't want to be associated with Nazis, you're not going to care if the Nazis won't sell you another car. Yes, you're probably selling to another Nazi, but most people cannot afford to simply abandon or scrap a functioning* car on principle. Selling is the next best thing, as it undercuts the aura of scarcity, drives the price down, and reduces the number of new cars sold.
Previous owners that gave money to Musk can distance themselves from him, while new owners that believe Teslas are good can buy one without giving money to Musk.
I'm in the market for a car and there is an amount of money I would spend for a used Tesla despite the potential for vandalism etc. I don't think there is an amount of money I'd spend on a new one
Awesome, I love the approach. 👍🏾
I get the sentiment and am on board 100% that Elon Musk is a fucking loser Nazi -- but what a condescending note. Whoever wrote this note needs to mind their own business, and maybe take a week away from the internet.
Whoever wrote this wants the value of tesla to crash...
It lowers the value. If plenty of fairly new Teslas can be found fairly cheap, it will disincentivize people who do want a Tesla from buying new. Hopefully takes the stock price down, which is what most of Pres. Musk's wealth is based on.
i mean. wouldnt rebadging it and putting a "fuck elon" bumper sticker be more of a message than selling it to another sucker?
(also ripping out the spyware laden computer system that reports all activity INCLUDING CAMERAS back to hitlerHQ and can remotely disable your car)
On your second point: unfortunately that’s the system that makes the car go
Unfortunately, it would send a message to folks who do things like storm government buildings and kill cops. I wouldn't want one of those deranged lunatics coming after me.
If they tank in price I wonder how practical it would be to swap a normal truck body onto one. Wouldn’t mind a cheap EV truck.
I test drove the ioniq 5 and it was the most fun car ive driven. Its like a gocart. :)
I didnt like the design though.
Polestar is Chinese, since Volvo is Chinese.
That's the type of note that I would set fire to and drive away lol.
Imagine telling someone they need to sell their car because of something someone else did.
Y'all are straight up delusional at this point.
And to be clear I think the cybertruck is a fuck ugly piece of shit vehicle that doesn't do anything very well, but I also don't think anyone has the right to tell other people what cars they can and cannot drive.
Yeah. I can't believe people are actually supporting this. How privileged can you be that "bro, just buy a new car" is a sane thing to say?
Were sorry you didn't sign up for doing any research into your piece of shit car or the idiot asshole that owns it