
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 18 hours ago

Communities for identifying random stuff! Rocks, plants, bugs, fossils, that weird thingy in your grandma's kitchen... I love lurking on them because I learn to notice more in my day-to-day life. The downside is that they need more active moderation to weed out wrong or unhelpful comments.

And on a related note, communities for admiring natural stuff, à la mineralporn.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago

Yup. One-and-done.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (6 children)

But was the porcupine delicious?

[–] 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Yes! All of it, yes! It took me a long time to stop internalizing the "you're not reaching your potential" message. Being happy where I am is not a bad thing! I'm glad you're happy too, especially in such a demanding industry. Follow your happiness! 🫡✨

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Program coordinator with the local government (civil servant). $65k a year, which I still can't believe I got. It's 15k more than what the previous person in my position was getting. I simply asked if it was possible to go higher, and that's the offer they came back with.

Everyone tells me this means I could've asked for much more, but I feel that's about fair for what I bring to the table. I overperform in entry-level jobs, but I don't have the time management skills and emotional resilience to do well at higher levels. I'm already hitting my limit barely one year in - but this time, I've got a good team, a great manager, and will hopefully have my meds adjusted so I can keep going.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Chin-length layered bob, and also extremely happy with it. I wore my hair about bra strap-length most of my life, but once I went short I never went back. Shorter cuts are much more flattering for my face shape and personality.