Never forget Stanislav Petrov. In the end it’s a human that needs to press the button, at least for now.
Fair (with a special ominous shoutout to your "at least for now"), but do you think Petrov's or any similar individual person's decision making in this scenario would involve any considerations regarding the size launching nation's or block's arsenal? I.e. "Launch detected from US... hm, better play it safe. Launch detected from France... eh, hit that button!"?
I mean... nuclear threat is nuclear threat. I am not questioning the effectiveness of that threat, I'm questioning the premise of the article.
Unbelievably so. Mumble is... basically one setup command. Don't even need a domain. And it needs absolutely no resources, can run on a Pi Zero.
Setting up my own Matrix server was honestly one of the most difficult things I've ever attempted in decades of non-professionally using computers and I'm still not sure I'd be able to properly take care of the installation if it breaks. Sooo many moving parts. All the federation-oriented projects that rely on adoption rates reaaaaally desperately need setup wizards before any other additional feature.