Depends on how long it sits there, the lunar surface has a pretty wide range of temperatures that cause wear, lots of radiation and the regolith is quite abrasive. But realistically by the time something gets there that could put it back it'll probably not be worth it from anything but a historical standpoint.
Yeah the early days weren't so great but it's getting there. Still wish some of the game communities I'm interested in would migrate already but it's not bad
As other people have said, induction is alright. Way better than traditional electric anyway.
Yep, the only "claim" people should have to land is to that where they already live, everything else is a lot more complicated. I have no problem with Jews living in Palestine, I do have a problem with genocidal Zionists claiming someone's home, using terrorist attacks as a pretense for pushing that claim and doing far worse to a group primarily composed of people who were just living there. Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if my ancestors hadn't spent hundreds of years drawing maps for everyone.
So it'd usually be normal mapping, not bump mapping. Iirc bump maps are just height data and can't hold normal information (surface face directions in short). Anyway it looks to me like either a normal map or more likely just a flat tire texture. The key tell is how the tire geometry is mostly just a cylinder. If you look at the edges it doesn't follow the tire pattern.