LEMMEE IN! (ノ゜ー゜)ノ
Man, that sucks about Rona. I guess it's similar with Tim Hortons, Wendy, Burger King all being HQd in Toronto but owned by a Brazilian fund?
FLQ2: Quebecois Beugéleau
God damn. What does that mean in terms of tax, etc? They still pay corporation tax and whatnot in Canada? Profits, etc. reported in Canada or repatriated to the US?
What about Home Hardware?
Rona is Canadian. HQ in Quebec.
I see your point, but I feel like spreading the risk a little would've been the more secure trade policy. 70% reliance on one country seems borderline obscene. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 so there's not really any point in me complaining about what should have been. All we can do now is work to correct the mistake.
Is it time for an expanded digital services tax? Why not tax foreign social media like we tax sugar, alcohol, nicotine, and fast food? The imposition of minimum pricing rules per account or per post would be a huge disincentive. Maybe regulate them like traditional media. Ban foreign ownership?
Edit: spelling
Oh, I see. I hadn't considered that that could be used as a pretense for military action.
Trump's stable genius trade advisor was just on one of their propaganda networks suggesting that Canada is also run by Mexican cartels. It's all a bit Monty Python, honestly. Just waiting to hear who he's nominating for Secretary of Silly Walks.
Proton + Ghostery wombo combo should still work for now for ad blocking and VPN.
After some quick interneting, apparently we have the technical and industrial capacity to do so, but lack intention, having committed to peaceful, civilian use of the technology through non-proliferation treaties, etc.
I mean, in an ideal world, that's how it should be.
I think it very much is for certain states. Particularly Florida.
They seem that way because they are.