Definitely checkout JMP Chat, they're actually based in Canada and offer super affordable alternative phone numbers. Using their Cheogram app even lets you incorporate it fully into your phone, so when you call, it'll ask which number you'd like to use for the call. Calling has limited minutes each month, but the overage charges are very reasonable. It comes with unlimited texting as well. They encrypt everything on their end and it's fully open source!
joined 3 years ago
Using cash to buy a prepaid card is always a decent option. Makes it very difficult to associate the payment with the buyer. As far as a MySudo alternative, keep an eye on! They do work in the EU now, but they only provide US numbers. However, they are actively working on being able to provide EU numbers at least.
For anyone new to the Linux world, I can't recommend Learn Linux TV enough. He has a video walking through this exact process, here's an Invidious and YouTube link for it.
As far as dual booting goes, issues can arise after updates. I recall this happening a few months back due to a Windows update. So just be aware of this possibly happening down the road. I need Windows for work at times too, but I strictly use a VM. I've hated Microsoft since Windows 8, their amount of user tracking is bonkers and a big part of why I just use a VM. This is just food for thought though.