Also: minimum wage
It really improved his popularity.
Ask it about the nets!
lol, you said it. We were able to coast along for a few decades, but I think it's gonna be time to pay the piper soon.
We will slow the growth of government spending, initially cap the size of the public service, and review our spending with an emphasis on outcomes and technology to reduce inefficiencies. By leveraging AI and machine learning to boost productivity and cut costs across government, we will build a highly competitive, technology-enabled public service focused on delivering for Canadians and ensuring funds are allocated where they best serve Canadians.
This is the appropriate level of cynicism - Carney hasn't proven himself. We want him to be good, because we want him to be better than Poilievre, but he hasn't shown us that yet.
He's sorta kinda promising tax cuts, if we're good:
A Mark Carney-led government’s fiscal policy will focus first on reining in wasteful and ineffective government spending, creating room for personal income tax cuts so that Canadians can keep more of their hard-earned money and better cope with the higher cost of living.
But when asked specifically about electoral reform and proportional representation, he says he’s uncertain and open to exploring options? Why would someone as smart as him be uncertain about ensuring every vote counts?
He's trying to play both sides: if he says no, then he alienates NDP and other non-Libs; if he says yes, then he alienates those who like the current system or are afraid of change.
I'm not sure the rest of NATO would be falling over themselves to defend a different trading partner from a (theoretical) ally and nuclear power.
There would be some stern rebuke at the UN, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for boots on the ground.
Carney seems like he's open to electoral reform
So was Trudeau. I hope you're right, but it feels like a longshot.
I just think she couldn't win the next fight (the general election)
She's too closely associated with Trudeau. I think Trudeau's popularity turned around partially because he was leaving - his replacement wouldn't be able to use that.
Getting a call from a Trump minion is pretty funny.