@HowRu68 Lol, I just got suggested this one as well
@Skullgrid yes, they are. I don't contradict you. But in their opinion it really is better to be a dictatorship than a democracy.
The only solution is to just keep fighting for your values in every way possible, as I said, and show people that these are objectively better than what they crave for (or, if objectivity is not possible, subjectivity can help as well)
@Mee it just seems like that. In reality, everything in the world has been just someone's interests - because that's how the world was built. In fact, good and evil are just subjective terms. What may be good for you, it might be bad for somebody else. Your evil might be someone else's good and vice-versa.
I think you should think the things into more of what you care the most, what your values are, what is important for you overall. And then you'll see the bigger picture: people are just having different values than you, they think that the values you believe in are not theirs. And I am somewhat in the same situation as you - let me give you an example:
Among the values I care the most are democracy, personal freedoms, the ability to voice out (politely) your own opinion; you'd think I am a normal person, that no sane person would be thinking otherwise. Well, what if I told you, you're wrong! There was a poll last year in my country where 40% of the people said they would agree with my country returning under a dictatorship. Forty freaking percent!!! This is mind-boggling, right? That's what I also think.
What would be the solution to a problem like this be like? Well, you could join the crowd, that would be the most obvious, right? Be one with the majority, mindlessly agree on what they say, do what they do. But I bet you would never see your place in there. Instead, I think you should keep staying true to your own values and beliefs and look for people that share these. Speak to them, understand them yourself as well and who knows, maybe you can do something about it. 😁
/my 2c
@5714 They're connected already and they do just fine, but the prices on our market are bigger. They want to import from Ukraine too.
@Servais €7 for my cell phone plan (for which I have unlimited data, calls and texting in every network) and my home internet is included with the rent (it's actually a full package complete with cable TV if I recall correctly).