Is that like
Biological warfare?
Is that like
Biological warfare?
Hmm. We need a NSFW content format that is like spoiler text but like for NSFW stuff in a SFW thread?
Nah I don't know I dont like that either
It's the internet
Yes you can fucking swear
They gotta name this one now. That's how it works right
Or worse shudders business majors
They are trying to kill CS with AI.
Software and Computer engineers are absolutely stupid expensive. And we're necessary, because so few people understand it, and even less want to put in the required work to do it.
Unfortunately for them, they don't understand it to the point where they inevitably push away the people they need to make use of AI tools, and cover the gaps that AI leaves.
Me, freshmen year of college: "I'm going to major in computer engineering - with additional math and physics courses. Capable of designing all sorts of cool stuff, and get paid well"
Me 16 years later: "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I don't know what the fuck management wants, I don't know what the fuck I want to do, but at least I get paid well."
My biggest problem with this movie is that we didn't get Biolizard.
But otherwise it was amazing
Oh damn bro, Ive never actually looked up lemmings before. That thing is like a super puffed guinea pig
I just got the sole rx7900xtx I could find in the state last week.
Glad I didn't wait for this :/
From what I know about fighter pilots (at least former air force and former navy) they learn. Fighter pilots are a special type of crazy, where they have a drive to be the best at what they do.
I imagine Ukrainian pilots are no exception to this. The physical and mental demands of any fighter aircraft pretty much ensures it.
Combine that personality with an invasion in your homeland, I would guess these guys didn't take breaks. Not because they couldn't but because that would be expected, and they feel the need to do better.
Oh. Personally for me it's code reviews that prevent me from doing it, but pound you in the ass penitentiary is a good motivation too