
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Supported and justified by the stockholders isn't surprising. It's the fact that this column writer is so unabashed in their reasoning that surprised me. It's not often that you see regular, bottom level consumers enthusiastically using the same reasoning as a stock holder. Usually they come at it from more of a "they produce great products, they care about providing a great service" standpoint. However, someone who writes articles for a platform called "Apple Insider" is likely to have some level of stock in the company.

[–] 67 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

I've never stumbled across Apple Insider before, it's quite the apologist for the company. Here's some tone deaf quotes from the article that made me laugh:

"It's true that the buck stops at the CEO, but without Tim Cook, Apple would not have so many bucks."

I guess if you make a lot of money you get a pass for allowing misleading and anti-consumer marketing campaigns?

"If billions and trillions are hard numbers to imagine, here's another one. Apple could, if its valuation could be converted to cash without loss, give every person living in the continental USA a free iPhone 16e — and then 13 spare ones. Each."

I love how they chose to illustrate Apple's obscene level of wealth with how much it could benefit people if they ever distributed that wealth through altruistic giving 😂

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Heres a summary of the predictions made, from never all the way up to within the year. It seems to me the closer you get to the dollar bill the sooner the projections become.

"Some experts predict it will never happen..."

"Some experts argue that human intelligence is more multifaceted than what the current definition of AGI describes." (That AGI is not possible.)

"Most agree that AGI will arrive before the end of the 21st century."

"Some researchers who’ve studied the emergence of machine intelligence think that the singularity could occur within decades."

Current surveys of AI researchers are predicting AGI around 2040"

"Entrepreneurs are even more bullish, predicting it around ~2030"

"The CEO of Anthropic, who thinks we’re right on the threshold—give it about 12 more months or so."