
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 2 days ago

Spoiler, it's nearly every time but pointing it out ruins the narrative that ALL guns are a problem.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago

Ford blew twice that to put beer in gas stations. Clearly we have the money to blow 🀑

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

Good. Canada is finally not just an economic appendage to the USA. Regardless of which party or president is running the show, Canadian politicians should remember how quickly they derailed us for their own gain.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

He is a problem but people who vote based on what they read on Twitter were already going to be a wasted vote. Education at an early age on how to think critically, ask questions and find answers is how you mitigate this kind of crap.

[–] 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

What about TikTok, Facebook or Reddit? One is operated by an adversarial government, one harbors and aids scammers to steal millions, and Reddit is 4chan light.

Banning platforms is not the answer, it opens the door to banning as an easy solution to any issue.

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Sounds like a great way to keep wages down and prices up.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Nobody hoovers up more data than the US.

The US can't even unlock an iPhone without calling in 3rd parties. EVERY Chinese made device collects data, and every Chinese business gives full access to the Chinese government. The US government does collect data but it's no where near the scale of the Chinese.

Remember when Elon remotely unlocked that cybertruck recently and accessed the cameras?

He unlocked a device made by a company he owns, running software they designed on a network they operate. All that shows is that Tesla's vehicles are not properly secured and remote access can be abused by Tesla employees.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I'm talking about Canada and not about a war.

During peace times it is not in Canada's interest for China to know where all our politicians are, it is not in Canada's interest for China to know where where Canadian military and law enforcement are. It's not in Canada's interest for any entity to be able to tell where specific people or groups of people are at any time.

De-spying should not only apply to Chinese cars but all cars and mobile devices.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Correlation attacks, China is king of hoovering up data.

Overly dramatic example: you are in the armed forces, you have a TikTok account, you post a bunch of shit that shows you are in the armed forces. You get deployed for some covert fuckabout and are told to leave your phone at home. You turn off your phone, pick up 3 of your buddies in your Chinese EV and drive to the base/airport/sea port. Dozens of people do this and by seeing the pattern China knows that a bunch of armed forces are being told to quietly deploy.

A less dramatic example might be figuring out where politicians are by knowing where their employees are.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Bernie Sanders had a pretty reasonable take on it:

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (6 children)

Correlation attacks, China is king of hoovering up data.

Overly dramatic example: you are in the armed forces, you have a TikTok account, you post a bunch of shit that shows you are in the armed forces. You get deployed for some covert fuckabout and are told to leave your phone at home. You turn off your phone, pick up 3 of your buddies in your Chinese EV and drive to the base/airport/sea port. Dozens of people do this and by seeing the pattern China knows that a bunch of armed forces are being told to quietly deploy.

A less dramatic example might be figuring out where politicians are by knowing where their employees are.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago

If they keep the tax in effect until AC season the americans will turn it off themselves.

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