
joined 3 months ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago

This is already possible. In the pdf overview there is a layout button on the top right where you can change between compact, list and grid layout.


Hi c/selfhosted,

PdfDing is a selfhosted PDF manager, viewer and editor offering a seamless user experience on multiple devices. You can find the repo here. After around 9 months of work the app is finally where I wanted it to be and can be considered stable. Last week version v1.0.0 was finally released. Leading up to this I did a major UI revamp which now supports different layouts.

Let me know what you think of the new UI. If you like PdfDing consider starring the repo on github.


Hi c/selfhosted,

here's another Update on PdfDing, the selfhosted PDF manager, viewer and editor offering a seamless user experience on multiple devices. You can find the repo here.

Thanks to being included in the favorite selfhosted apps launched in 2024 on, PdfDings's popularity improved greatly. This week the project crossed the 500 Stars on github, which was a big milestone for me. Thanks! Another thing that made me quite happy is that PdfDing got its first two contributions!

Milestones aside there were also new features and improvements since my last post:

  • PDFs can be starred and archived. Starred and archived PDFs can be quickly accessed in the overview. Archived PDFs are hidden from the default overview.
  • New (beautiful) theme inspired by You can find a screenshot here.
  • Preview mode: the first page of each PDF can be shown in the overview without entering the viewer.
  • Optional thumbnail mode: The first page of each PDF will be shown as a thumbnail in the overview.
  • Design improvements that (in my opinion) make the whole application feel cleaner and more beautiful
  • I have created a helm chart so it can be easily installed on Kubernetes

As always I am happy if you star the repo or if someone wants to contribute.