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[–] karashta@piefed.social 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

We don't need to tax the wealthy to fund the federal government. We do it to destroy their power.

The federal government is the source of the money, printed ex nihilo (if you think the federal reserve is independent, ask yourself who gave them their charter and who can revoke it). Why would it need someone else's money to function?

I'd highly recommend reading any of the MMT literature so you have an understanding of this.

The left needs to stop fighting in the neoclassical economic framework of the right and re-lens things into reality and away from that deluded ideology.

Love to see this type of left wing movement!

[–] karashta@piefed.social 30 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

Why must it be balanced?

Americans import more than we export. They use the word "deficit" to make it scary.

These other countries would prefer having our money and financial instruments rather than the actual goods and services they are providing to us.

They are giving us actual things for the money the fed creates ex nihilo.

This is not the same thing as pointing out we should have local manufacturing and reduce reliance on global supply chains.

I'm not defending the Orange Doofus, just tired of seeing these debates being fought through the wrong lens.

[–] karashta@piefed.social 15 points 1 week ago

I don't disagree with what you said but there's not 3.5 billion people in the US. There's like 340 million.