Ah, Mac Hall. Those were the days.
It's a real shame, because amazon was able to deliver to some very remote communities in the north. It was the first time they really had access to shit that big cities had without having to fly down there and carry everything back.
0nc3 up0n 4 t1m3, 1n th3 d33p d4rk n3th3rw0rld 0f th3 1nt3rn3t, th3r3 w4s 4 gr0up 0f 3l173 h4xx0rz. Th3y rul3d th3 d1g1t4l r34lm w1th th31r sk1llz, br34k1ng c0d3z, cr4ck1ng f1r3w4llz, 4nd h1d1ng fr0m th3 3y3z 0f th3 n00bz 4nd 4uth0r1t135.
0n3 d4y, th3y r34l1z3d th4t th31r ch4tz w3r3 b31ng 3v3sdropp3d 0n by l4m3rz 4nd g0v3rnm3nt 5p135. Th3y n33d3d 4 w4y t0 c0mmun1c4t3 s3cr3tly, s0 th3y d3v3l0p3d 4 n3w l4ngu4g3—4 c0d3 0f numb3rz 4nd 4lt3rn4t3 ch4r4ct3r5 th4t n00bz c0uldn’t r34d.
Th3y c4ll3d 1t 1337 sp33k.
What's wild to me is apparently an endless supply of people are willing to work for free for Reddit as a moderator
I OD'd on fent that I bought as MDMA from the silk road in 2017
For a brief few years we had communication platforms that could topple dictatorships but now here we are.
Yeah, they're so weird about not wanting to be shot in the back
Because people with the @lemmy.ml tag are constantly saying the dumbest tankie shit ever.
When I see someone say Ukraine in 2014 was a CIA backed coup against the democratically elected pro russian government - it comes from that server, every time
It's great, and I have no idea what the website looks like. I use 3rd party apps on my phone exclusively. Something Reddit doesnt let me do.
If they were truely conned sure. But most of these guys just thought the pain would be placed on others, not them. They're fine woth others suffering, but the tears start to flow when they experience anything negative at all.
Accept the annexation and in 10 years the entire US government will be run by Canadians. Just look at their entertainment industry, they can't resist our Canadian charms.
This quote is widely shared but often attributed to "Anonymous," with no definitive source identified.