A lot of exe files are secretly zip files. zip files can contain arbitrary data at the end of the file. exe files can have arbitrary data at the start of the file. It's a match made at Microsoft.
Elon must be experiencing withdrawal symptoms right about now.
So either firefox translate doesn't look at the <html lang="">
attribute or the site doesn't provide it. Both are plausible.
Maybe he can't do anything about him being fat, but he absolutely could stop being a fuck.
I'd suggest linking to some third party apps, like https://alexandrite.app/ or https://phtn.app/. They'll resolve some issues a few users have with the UI and search.
We've had .moon and .mars since 2009
Edit: Looks like r/CryptoCurrency has recently acquired the .moon TLD.
Sounds like some sort of decentralized federation of server resources. I don't know, seems a bit advanced. /s
Pinkie needs a hug :(
Her lack of oxford comma disturbs me
Is it too much to ask that government jobs not be outsourced overseas? Sorry for my wrong-think.
I'm calling the police.