
joined 2 years ago
[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago (9 children)

Russian kool aid

It is understandable to be pro-war and a total warmonger because growing up in the United States, all the propaganda we hear and are taught since we are born is done to make us not question or critically think about our imperialist ways.

Growing up and learning the non-propaganda history and other views should shift you away from US military propaganda of liking forever wars and the blind nationalism of bringing "democracy" to Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

shady shit

That is a major downplaying and rewriting of the true history of our country.

Here is a small example of what we do to other countries and the only reason we know about this is due to it being leaked by great people: https://lemmy.world/post/15002828

I suggest reading up on the military leaks and many more independent journalists, fewer legacy media viewpoints; the major ones are Julian Assange and Edward Snowden leaks.

Russian propaganda

You do know that people can come to the same conclusion without needing others to tell us what to think or being tricked into seeing the world a certain way...

I suggest learning about the Uhuru Three and the Uhuru Movement: https://lemmy.world/post/23366029

I got reminded of a song: dead prez - They School | https://lemmy.world/post/26450948

You are welcome!

Thank you for sharing this video with us!

All is good!

I just like to add one when I can to posts, hahaha


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26351383


This chart is accurate. Real leftists oppose funding all imperialist wars and genocides.

Generated Image Description:

The image is a stylized chart or table comparing the stances of different political groups ("The Left," "Liberals," and "The Right") on two issues: funding the war in Ukraine and funding genocide in Gaza. 

The chart is organized as follows:

  • Rows: Each row represents a political grouping: "The Left," "Liberals," and "The Right."

  • Columns: Each column represents a specific issue: "Funding War in Ukraine" and "Funding Genocide in Gaza."

  • Cell Contents: Each cell contains a word indicating the general stance of the political group on the corresponding issue. The words used are "AGAINST," "IN FAVOR," and a more nuanced statement specifying a stance under specific presidential administrations (Biden and Trump). Color-coding is used to highlight the stances. Red typically indicates "AGAINST" while teal indicates "IN FAVOR."

Specific Stances shown:

  • The Left: Against funding the war in Ukraine and against funding genocide in Gaza.

  • Liberals: In favor of funding the war in Ukraine. Their stance on Gaza is more nuanced: In favor under Biden, but against under Trump.

  • The Right: Against funding the war in Ukraine and in favor of funding genocide in Gaza.

The chart appears designed to illustrate perceived partisan divisions on these complex geopolitical issues, possibly intended to provoke discussion or highlight perceived hypocrisy. The use of loaded language like "genocide" contributes to this effect. The chart's accuracy or neutrality is debatable, as the representation of stances could be simplified or biased.

Source: https://x.com/ProudSocialist/status/1896722787181773025

[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

The CIA does not only torture under Trump, the problem is the duopoly (Republicans and Democrats).

The duopoly will work together to fund and vote for more forever wars.

"They Have Money For War But Can't Feed The Poor." -- Tupac Shakur

Generated Summary:

This YouTube video explores the history and implications of the CIA's enhanced interrogation program, comparing it to Nazi Germany's torture policies. The video uses a provocative gimmick—the creators attempting (and failing) to replicate some torture techniques on themselves—to engage viewers and illustrate the brutality of the real thing.

Main Topic: The CIA's use of torture, its historical context, its ineffectiveness, and its lasting impact.

Key Points:

  • Historical Parallels: The video draws a direct comparison between the CIA's "enhanced interrogation" techniques and Nazi Germany's systematic torture methods, highlighting the plagiarism of techniques and justifications.
  • Ineffectiveness of Torture: The video emphasizes that torture is ineffective in gathering reliable intelligence, as victims will confess to anything to stop the pain.
  • Legal Loopholes and Justification: The video exposes how the US government used legal loopholes and manipulated public opinion (fueled by post-9/11 media) to justify its torture program.
  • The Role of Media: The video criticizes the complicity of mainstream media in downplaying or ignoring the torture, contrasting it with the work of independent journalists who risked their lives to expose the truth.
  • Victims' Experiences: The video features interviews with a victim of CIA torture (Mambu Habib) and an independent journalist (Olivia Ruse) who documented the abuses at Abu Ghraib, providing harrowing firsthand accounts.
  • Psychological Impact: The video highlights the devastating psychological effects of torture, emphasizing that the mental trauma often surpasses the physical pain.
  • Continuing Problem: The video concludes by expressing concern that the use of torture continues, citing the Trump administration's policies and the ongoing operation of Guantanamo Bay.


  • Dramatic Recreations: The creators' attempts to replicate waterboarding and confinement in a small box, while ultimately unsuccessful and intended as a gimmick, serve to highlight the severity of the real torture methods.
  • Harrowing Interviews: The interviews with Mambu Habib and Olivia Ruse provide powerful and emotional accounts of the brutality and lasting consequences of CIA torture.
  • Stark Comparisons: The parallel drawn between the CIA's program and Nazi Germany's methods is shocking and effective in illustrating the systematic nature of the abuse.
  • Call to Action: The video implicitly calls for greater accountability and transparency regarding the CIA's actions and the ongoing use of torture worldwide.
[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

I would say it became an empire after the Cold War.

The unipolar United States became the "police" of the world, launching nonstop forever wars all around the world.

Now, the world is moving towards a multipolar world, which is great!

When it comes to imperialism, soft power is an upgrade rather than hard power and forcing regime change wars.

Edit: improved wording and phrasing

[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Video Description:

When it all comes tumbling down, where will you be? The average empire lasts 250 years and the US empire is 248 yrs old and spiraling out of control. Is this the end of the US empire?


  1. 0:00 Intro
  2. 1:16 Fall of Rome
  3. 3:40 America's Internal Decay
  4. 6:34 Hard & Soft Power
  5. 7:05 Persian Empire
  6. 9:15 American Soft Power
  7. 11:09 Britain's Fall
  8. 12:20 American Hard Power
  9. 15:09 Outro

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: The video analyzes the potential decline of the American Empire, drawing parallels to the falls of past empires like Rome and Persia. It argues that America's internal contradictions, loss of soft power, and overreliance on hard power are leading to its eventual collapse.

Key Points:

  • Comparison to Past Empires: The video uses the decline of the Roman and Persian Empires as case studies to illustrate the cyclical nature of empires and the common factors leading to their downfall. Key similarities highlighted include internal corruption, widening wealth inequality, loss of public trust, and overreliance on military might.
  • Loss of Soft Power: America's soft power, once a significant source of influence (Hollywood, culture, democratic ideals), is eroding due to actions perceived as hypocritical or morally questionable on the global stage. This loss of credibility weakens its international standing.
  • Overreliance on Hard Power: The US's excessive military spending and interventions, often perceived as self-serving, are unsustainable and alienate allies while strengthening adversaries. This overreliance on hard power is a symptom of a failing empire.
  • Internal Decay: Significant internal issues like extreme wealth inequality, a failing healthcare system, and political polarization are contributing to social unrest and a loss of faith in the American dream. These internal problems mirror the issues that plagued Rome.
  • Financial Instability: The video suggests that the US's massive debt and unsustainable military spending are contributing to its financial instability, further weakening its position.


  • The video uses strong imagery and emotional appeals to emphasize the severity of the situation.
  • It directly challenges the notion of American exceptionalism and the “American Dream,” arguing that it is increasingly unattainable for many.
  • The presenter offers a pessimistic outlook, suggesting that America's decline is inevitable unless significant changes are made.
  • The video effectively uses historical examples to support its central argument.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26365195

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

Who is the American COMMUNIST Party? State of the LEFT Under Trump 2.0 RBN ACP Roundtable LIVE

#trump #israel #acp #live #news #NATO #Zelensky

Generated Summary:

This YouTube video features a roundtable discussion about the American Communist Party (ACP), its goals, and its place within the current political landscape. The discussion also touches on broader issues facing the left in the United States and globally.

Main Topic: The American Communist Party, its goals, and criticisms leveled against it, within the context of the broader state of the American left.

Key Points:

  • Formation of the ACP: The ACP was formed due to a perceived lack of a truly Marxist-Leninist party in the US, viewing existing groups as too closely aligned with the Democratic Party. They aim to provide a vehicle for organizing anti-establishment sentiment from a Marxist-Leninist perspective.
  • Criticisms of the ACP: The ACP faces criticism regarding its stance on social issues, with some accusing it of holding socially conservative positions. The roundtable participants address these criticisms, emphasizing their focus on anti-imperialism and class struggle as primary goals, while maintaining a position of tolerance on social issues within the party.
  • Anti-Zionism: A central theme is the need for an anti-Zionist movement as a crucial step in combating imperialism. The ACP explicitly rejects the legitimacy of the state of Israel, viewing it as a tool of US imperialism.
  • Reparations: The ACP supports reparations for slavery, framing it as a necessary act of class warfare and wealth redistribution to correct historical injustices and uplift the Black working class. They argue that this would benefit the working class as a whole.
  • The Role of Media Personalities: The discussion addresses the role of prominent media personalities within the ACP, particularly Jackson Hinkle, and the balance between individual autonomy and adherence to party lines. While acknowledging Hinkle's controversial statements, they emphasize his effectiveness in reaching working-class audiences.
  • Conversation and Organization: A recurring theme is the importance of open dialogue and conversation, even with those holding differing views. The panelists reject the “cancel culture” prevalent on the left, advocating for engagement and building bridges instead of creating divisions.
  • Organizing the Working Class: The panelists stress the importance of organizing and mobilizing the working class, particularly focusing on groups like truckers, and the need to overcome internal divisions within the left to effectively challenge the existing power structures.


  • A frank and often humorous discussion about the challenges and complexities of building a communist movement in the US.
  • Direct engagement with criticisms of the ACP, offering explanations and counterarguments.
  • A passionate defense of anti-Zionism as a central tenet of their political strategy.
  • A nuanced discussion of reparations, emphasizing its economic and social implications.
  • A call for unity and collaboration among various left-wing groups, rejecting the divisive tactics of “cancel culture.”

About Channel, Revolutionary Blackout:

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.” -- Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26313663

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

I explain on Al Jazeera how the Cold War liberal eviscerated the Left, and deformed the liberal class into a woke, superficial group that never confronts the mechanisms of oppression.

Full interview:

[Democracy doesn’t exist in the United States: Chris Hedges | UpFront | 36:25 | JAN 31 2025 | Al Jazeera English | https://youtu.be/5EDKRGkgLsI]

Generated Summary:

This YouTube video discusses the author's perspective on how Cold War liberalism undermined the left and contributed to the current political climate.

Main Topic: The critique of Cold War liberalism and its negative impact on the left, leading to a superficial, ineffective form of liberalism that fails to address systemic oppression.

Key Points:

  • Cold War Liberalism's Role: The Cold War liberal approach is argued to have weakened and marginalized the left, particularly labor movements and radical groups, by focusing on superficial issues rather than addressing economic inequality. This is exemplified by the suppression of communist and socialist movements during the McCarthy era.
  • The Failure of Liberalism: The speaker contends that liberalism, as it exists within a capitalist framework, acts as a safety valve, ameliorating suffering enough to maintain the status quo rather than challenging the root causes of oppression.
  • The Superficiality of 'Wokeness': The video criticizes the corporate adoption of 'woke' culture as a superficial approach to social justice, arguing that it distracts from the core issue of economic inequality and serves to maintain the power of the ruling class.
  • Economic Justice as the Key: The speaker emphasizes that economic justice is paramount to achieving meaningful social change, referencing Martin Luther King Jr.'s focus on economic rights as a prerequisite for civil rights.
  • The Rise of Fascism: The erosion of the middle and working classes, coupled with the failure to address economic injustice, is presented as a breeding ground for fascism.


  • The speaker draws parallels between the actions of figures like the Clintons and Elon Musk, portraying them as examples of the faux liberal who supports corporate interests while engaging in superficial displays of social justice.
  • The discussion of FDR's New Deal reforms highlights the pressure exerted by the left to achieve social and economic change.
  • The video uses the term "woke" critically, arguing that its corporate appropriation has diluted its meaning and effectiveness.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of confronting the mechanisms of oppression, which are primarily economic in nature.

About Channel:

Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and commentator provides compelling story telling, archive interviews & show content covering US foreign policy, economic realities and civil liberties in American society.

By forcing your citizens to die for profit?

These endless wars will continue, since money has to be made, and corporations and oligarchs have a lot of sway when it comes to foreign policy.

The next war my country's oligarchs and corporations are pushing for is with Iran and China; the duopoly is owned and funded by these corporations and oligarchs.

I am against conscripts.

We must always be highly critical of those with power, money, and influence; especially governments and politicians (and the oligarchs that control/sway them).

I have known about those videos being posted on twitter.

I shared some of them last year, it is great that people are escaping the echo cambers we created for ourselves!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26150616

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

#jeffreysachs #sabbysabs #thiswarisover #europeanparliamentspeech #ukrainewillnotjoinnatio #geopoliticsinconflict

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: Jeffrey Sachs's address to the European Parliament on the war in Ukraine, challenging the prevailing narrative and advocating for peace negotiations.

Key Points:

  • Critique of US foreign policy: Sachs accuses the US of being the primary aggressor in numerous conflicts, including the war in Ukraine, citing NATO expansion, regime change operations, and the influence of the Israeli lobby.
  • The role of NATO: Sachs argues that NATO expansion provoked Russia and that the alliance's actions contributed to the current conflict. He suggests that Europe should distance itself from the US and pursue independent relations with Russia.
  • The Ukraine conflict: Sachs contends that Russia's initial aims were limited, focusing on a naval base lease, and that the US orchestrated a regime change operation in Ukraine.
  • Media bias: Sachs criticizes the Western media for presenting a one-sided view of the conflict, neglecting Russia's perspective and promoting a narrative that demonizes Russia.
  • Call for peace negotiations: Sachs urges Europe to engage in direct negotiations with Russia, emphasizing the importance of a peaceful resolution and highlighting the potential economic benefits of closer ties with Russia.
  • The influence of Israel: Sachs points to the significant influence of the Israeli lobby on US foreign policy, suggesting that this influence has contributed to the conflicts in the Middle East and beyond.
  • Potential for peace: Sachs suggests that a Trump presidency might lead to an end to the war in Ukraine due to Trump's desire to avoid being associated with a losing outcome.


  • Sachs's direct and unapologetic criticism of US foreign policy delivered directly to the EU Parliament.
  • The presentation of alternative perspectives on the war in Ukraine, challenging the dominant narrative.
  • The call for Europe to assert its independence from US influence and pursue its own interests.
  • The analysis of the role of the Israeli lobby in shaping US foreign policy.
  • The suggestion that a Trump presidency could lead to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.

About Channel:

Leftist news commentary and interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/26054104

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: The interview discusses the current political landscape in the United States, focusing on the disillusionment with the Democratic Party, the rise of right-wing populism, and the potential for a left-wing alternative.

Key Points:

  • Disillusionment with the Democratic Party: Both Briahna Joy Gray and Jill Stein express deep disappointment with the Democratic Party's failure to address key issues like economic inequality and social justice. They highlight the party's perceived hypocrisy on issues like free speech and identity politics, and its close alignment with corporate interests.
  • Rise of Right-Wing Populism: The conversation analyzes the appeal of figures like Donald Trump and Elon Musk, who are seen as exploiting identity politics and promoting divisive rhetoric. The rise of race science and eugenics-related discussions within the right-wing is also discussed.
  • Bernie Sanders's Role: Bernie Sanders's recent anti-oligarchy tour is discussed, with Gray and Stein expressing skepticism about its motives and effectiveness. They believe it's an attempt to recapture disillusioned voters and maintain the Democratic Party's relevance.
  • The Need for a Left-Wing Alternative: Gray and Stein advocate for a strong left-wing alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties. They emphasize the importance of building independent media and grassroots movements to challenge the established power structures.
  • The Power of Independent Media: The importance of independent media in countering mainstream narratives and reaching disillusioned voters is stressed. The conversation highlights the role of independent journalists and platforms in shaping public discourse.
  • The Threat of Fascism: The interview expresses concern about the growing threat of fascism in the United States, highlighting the alignment of right-wing politicians with powerful tech oligarchs.
  • The Future of the Left: The discussion concludes with a hopeful note, suggesting that the current political climate presents an opportunity for a significant left-wing resurgence. The need for unity and a clear vision for the future is emphasized.


  • The insightful analysis of the current political climate and the challenges facing the left.
  • The candid and critical assessment of the Democratic Party and its failures.
  • The discussion of the dangers of right-wing populism and the rise of race science.
  • The emphasis on the importance of building independent media and grassroots movements.
  • The hopeful message about the potential for a left-wing resurgence.

About Channel:

the post-civilization left

Due Dissidence is a multimedia one-stop shop for left politics and gallows humor in written, audio, and video form.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/25965666

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

Norman Finkelstein received his PhD from the Princeton University Politics Department, and is best known for his research on Israel and Palestine. In this episode, Norman and Robinson sit down for a discussion about Donald Trump, the latest from Israel, Palestine, and Gaza, and the dying Left. Norman also appeared on episode 192, where he and Robinson discussed allegations of genocide and apartheid, Hamas and Hezbollah, and connections between the war and the Holocaust. Norman was also featured on episode 218, where he addressed the facts and fictions generated by the Israel-Hamas War, and episode 228, which was all about October 6th. Norman and Robinson also discuss Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, the Holocaust, Apartheid, Joan Peters, Julia Sebutinde, the Mossad, Sheryl Sandberg, Destiny, Lex Fridman, Bill Ackman, Alan Dershowitz, and more. Norman’s most recent book is I’ll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It! Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom (Sublation Media, 2023).

Norman’s Website: https://www.normanfinkelstein.com/


  1. 00:00:00 Introduction
  2. 00:07:25 Mehdi Hassan: The Working Class is Stupid
  3. 00:12:59 How Far Will the Supreme Court Go with Donald Trump?
  4. 00:21:49 Why Bernie Sanders Appeals to the Common Man
  5. 00:38:12 How Did Identity Politics Help Trump Win?
  6. 00:46:02 The Joy of Stereotypes
  7. 01:01:23 Why the People Loved Bernie Sanders and Trump
  8. 01:06:16 Noam Chomsky, Philosopher King
  9. 01:11:16 Christopher Hitchens Was Not a Serious Intellectual
  10. 01:20:58 Norman’s Parents Hate For Religion After the Holocaust
  11. 01:34:06 A Lex Fridman and Destiny Conspiracy
  12. 01:37:12 Norman’s Family and the Holocaust
  13. 01:45:43 Why Jews Stopped Caring About the Holocaust
  14. 01:54:43 Why Norman Never Had a Bar Mitzvah
  15. 02:02:52 Why Norman’s Parents Hated Germans and Poles
  16. 02:11:22 Comparing Gaza to the Holocaust
  17. 02:16:48 Comparing Gaza to Apartheid South Africa
  18. 02:24:41 Corruption Over Genocide in Palestine
  19. 02:27:05 On the Colossal Joan Peters Palestine Hoax
  20. 02:30:16 On Norman’s Time as a Maoist
  21. 02:39:35 The Corruption of Julia Sebutinde at the International Court of Justice
  22. 02:42:25 Does the Mossad Blackmail Public Figures?
  23. 02:52:49 Sheryl Sandberg and the War Crime “Israeli Propaganda Machine”
  24. 03:05:19 On Accusations of Sex Crimes on October 6th
  25. 03:18:12 On His Mortal Feud With Alan Dershowitz
  26. 03:31:19 On Bill Ackman and the Pro-Israel American Billionaire Class

Robinson’s Website: ⁠https://www.robinsonerhardt.com/

Robinson Erhardt researches symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics at Stanford University.

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: This YouTube video features an interview with Norman Finkelstein, a scholar known for his critical views on Israeli policies, discussing various political and social issues, including the 2020 US presidential election, the state of the American Left, identity politics, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and allegations of Mossad blackmail.

Key Points:

  • 2020 US Election: Finkelstein argues that the Democratic Party's negative campaign against Donald Trump, lacking a clear platform, led to Trump's victory. He contrasts this with Bernie Sanders' successful campaign, which he attributes to Sanders' consistent track record, non-personalized approach, and clear platform.
  • Identity Politics: Finkelstein criticizes identity politics for its perceived elitism, condescension towards the working class, and corruption of language. He argues that it fostered resentment and ultimately benefited Trump.
  • Israel-Palestine Conflict: Finkelstein discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, focusing on allegations of corruption and the use of propaganda to shape public opinion. He analyzes specific instances, including the Goldstone Report retraction, and claims of Hamas weaponizing rape during the October 2023 conflict.
  • Mossad Conspiracies: Finkelstein alleges that the Mossad uses blackmail and other tactics to influence public figures and shape narratives surrounding Israel. He cites examples involving prominent figures in international courts and organizations.
  • Academic Freedom: Finkelstein expresses concern over the erosion of academic freedom in the US, particularly in response to the October 2023 conflict, and attributes this partly to the influence of wealthy pro-Israel donors and the dynamics of cancel culture.


  • Finkelstein's detailed analysis of the 2020 election and the role of identity politics.
  • His in-depth examination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including specific allegations of corruption and manipulation.
  • His personal anecdotes about growing up as the child of Holocaust survivors and his experiences in academia.
  • His critical assessment of prominent figures like Mehdi Hassan, Noam Chomsky, Christopher Hitchens, and Alan Dershowitz.
  • His discussion of the complexities of language, political discourse, and the challenges of conveying truth in a polarized environment.

About Channel:

Robinson Erhardt researches symbolic logic and the foundations of mathematics at Stanford University. Join him in conversations with philosophers, scientists, weightlifters, artists, and everyone in-between.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/25926347

Video Description:

On this stream: live reaction, commentary, and on-the ground coverage from the Workers Strike Back conference in Seattle, WA! Event speakers include Jill stein, Kshama Sawant, Chris Hedges, Hassan Abdel Salam, Russell Dobular, Keaton Weiss, Nick Cruse, Omali Yeshitela, and more!


  1. Kit Cabello
  2. Nick Cruse
  3. Omali Yeshitela
  4. Blakely
  5. Jenerational Change
  6. Prof. Anthony Zenkus

About Channel:

the post-civilization left

Due Dissidence is a multimedia one-stop shop for left politics and gallows humor in written, audio, and video form.

[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)


It seems the Russia Smears are the main reason for your disdain towards Jill Stein.

I don't agree with your views, but thanks for sharing them.

"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." -- John F. Kennedy


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/25897060

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

2024 Green Party VP candidate and University of California Santa Barbara professor Butch Ware return to Bad Faith to discuss his run to be governor of California and concretely evaluate what it takes for third parties to win big against the two party duopoly. But first, the historian offers his analysis of the Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl halftime show, and whether it was genuinely "revolutionary" as claimed.

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: Analysis of Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl LVII Halftime performance, focusing on whether it was subversive, revolutionary, or a mere commercial spectacle. The discussion also expands to broader themes of Black representation in mainstream media, the role of artists in political movements, and the state of American politics.

Key Points:

  • The Performance's Ambiguity: The discussion centers on the multifaceted interpretations of Lamar's performance. Some view it as subversive due to its cultural references and the context of its presentation. Others argue it lacked revolutionary political impact, despite Lamar's past statements about the revolution being televised. The use of Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam is a key point of contention, with some seeing it as a meta-commentary on minstrelsy and others viewing it as problematic.
  • Revolutionary vs. Subversive: The conversation distinguishes between revolutionary and subversive acts. A key argument is that a truly revolutionary act would not be possible within the constraints of a Super Bowl halftime show, a highly controlled and commercialized platform. The spontaneous act of Zul Carnain, a dancer who displayed a Palestine flag, is highlighted as the only genuinely revolutionary moment of the performance.
  • Black Representation and Commercialization: The discussion explores the complexities of Black representation in mainstream spaces like the Super Bowl. Concerns are raised about the potential for co-opting Black culture and imagery for commercial purposes, diluting the power of genuine political statements. The performances of other artists, such as Beyoncé, are referenced in this context.
  • Political Commentary and the Role of Artists: The panelists debate the extent to which Lamar's performance made a meaningful political statement. Some argue that simply being Black in that space is a political statement, while others contend that it fell short of revolutionary action, lacking explicit calls for change or concrete political demands. The conversation touches upon the history of politically charged hip-hop and the influence of record labels on artists' ability to express radical views.
  • The State of American Politics: The discussion expands to a broader critique of the American political system, particularly the Democratic Party. The panelists express deep disillusionment with the Democrats' handling of social and political issues, accusing them of prioritizing corporate interests over the needs of marginalized communities. The rise of fascism and the role of the Green Party are also discussed.


  • The insightful and nuanced discussion of the complexities of Kendrick Lamar's performance and its various interpretations.
  • The passionate and critical analysis of the role of Black artists in mainstream media and the challenges of balancing artistic expression with political activism.
  • The sharp critique of the Democratic Party and its perceived failures to address systemic issues of inequality and injustice.
  • The introduction of Butch Ware, a Green Party vice-presidential candidate, and his campaign for Governor of California, offering a perspective on building a viable third-party alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties.

About Channel:

based on the hit tv show

With Briahna Joy Gray

[–] jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

That seems to be the only retort spewed against Jill Stein.

The Russiaphobia and Russiagate smears continue as expected from the status quo.

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." -- Malcolm X

Check this out:

Rachel Maddow Brings Back Russiagate INSANITY [13:36 | FEB 20 2025 | Glenn Greenwald]



cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/25896753

Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

#dogestimuluschecks #sabbysabs #medicarecuts #pentagoncuts #donadltrumpnews

Generated Summary:

This YouTube video discusses Donald Trump's proposal for a $5,000 stimulus check per household, alongside proposed cuts to the Pentagon budget, Medicare, and Medicaid. The video analyzes the proposal's context, potential impacts, and controversies.

Key Points:

  • Stimulus Proposal: Trump's suggestion of a $5,000 stimulus check is linked to alleged government waste and mismanagement of funds, totaling trillions of dollars. The video references Dr. Dee Curtis's call for taxpayer refunds due to this mismanagement.
  • Pentagon Budget Cuts: An 8% cut to the defense budget is proposed to fund Trump's priorities. The YouTuber speculates that these cuts will likely affect staffing rather than weapons procurement.
  • Medicaid and Medicare Cuts: Proposed cuts to Medicaid and Medicare are heavily criticized by the YouTuber, who argues that such cuts would negatively impact many Trump supporters and are a politically unwise move.
  • Telehealth Cuts: Changes to Medicare telehealth services, limiting access for non-rural residents, are also highlighted as a negative consequence.
  • Job Losses: The video discusses job losses resulting from government budget cuts, emphasizing the impact on disabled veterans and non-probationary employees.
  • Elon Musk's Role: The YouTuber points out a conflict of interest, suggesting that Elon Musk is benefiting from government contracts while advocating for cuts in other areas. This includes SpaceX and Tesla contracts.
  • Political Implications: The video analyzes the potential political ramifications of Trump's proposals, particularly the impact on his approval ratings and the potential alienation of his base due to the proposed cuts to social programs.


  • The YouTuber's strong opinions and detailed analysis of the various proposals and their potential consequences.
  • The inclusion of clips from various sources, including Dr. Dee Curtis and Jasmine Crockett, to provide different perspectives.
  • The discussion of the historical context of stimulus checks under previous administrations, particularly the Trump administration's increase of the initial $600 stimulus to $2,000.
  • The focus on the potential negative impact of the proposed cuts on vulnerable populations, such as disabled veterans and Medicare/Medicaid recipients.
  • The critical assessment of Elon Musk's role and potential conflict of interest in the situation.

About Channel:

Leftist news commentary and interviews. Fighting for political and social change. Sabby Sabs podcast is a part of Revolutionary Blackout Network.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/22456731

We need to use our momentum from getting out the vote for Jill Stein's antiwar pro-worker campaign to fight the rich and their two parties. To end the wars and the genocide in Gaza. To fight against racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression. To organize protests and strike actions to win a $25/hour minimum wage, Medicare for All, quality affordable housing, and good union jobs for all.

Both Democrats and Republicans are a dead end for workers, the union movement, and the antiwar struggle. We urgently need a new, independent, antiwar, working-class party that can take on the billionaires & warmongers and BREAK the two-party system.

Register now for Workers Strike Back's February Organizing Conference SATURDAY, Feb 22 @ 10 am PT!^[[1] https://www.workersstrikeback.org/events/feb-2025-organizing-conference]

Link to signup for event: https://www.workersstrikeback.org/events/feb-2025-organizing-conference

Title Edit: To Be Announced -> Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center


Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

2024 Green Party VP candidate and University of California Santa Barbara professor Butch Ware return to Bad Faith to discuss his run to be governor of California and concretely evaluate what it takes for third parties to win big against the two party duopoly. But first, the historian offers his analysis of the Kendrick Lamar Super Bowl halftime show, and whether it was genuinely "revolutionary" as claimed.

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: Analysis of Kendrick Lamar's Super Bowl LVII Halftime performance, focusing on whether it was subversive, revolutionary, or a mere commercial spectacle. The discussion also expands to broader themes of Black representation in mainstream media, the role of artists in political movements, and the state of American politics.

Key Points:

  • The Performance's Ambiguity: The discussion centers on the multifaceted interpretations of Lamar's performance. Some view it as subversive due to its cultural references and the context of its presentation. Others argue it lacked revolutionary political impact, despite Lamar's past statements about the revolution being televised. The use of Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam is a key point of contention, with some seeing it as a meta-commentary on minstrelsy and others viewing it as problematic.
  • Revolutionary vs. Subversive: The conversation distinguishes between revolutionary and subversive acts. A key argument is that a truly revolutionary act would not be possible within the constraints of a Super Bowl halftime show, a highly controlled and commercialized platform. The spontaneous act of Zul Carnain, a dancer who displayed a Palestine flag, is highlighted as the only genuinely revolutionary moment of the performance.
  • Black Representation and Commercialization: The discussion explores the complexities of Black representation in mainstream spaces like the Super Bowl. Concerns are raised about the potential for co-opting Black culture and imagery for commercial purposes, diluting the power of genuine political statements. The performances of other artists, such as Beyoncé, are referenced in this context.
  • Political Commentary and the Role of Artists: The panelists debate the extent to which Lamar's performance made a meaningful political statement. Some argue that simply being Black in that space is a political statement, while others contend that it fell short of revolutionary action, lacking explicit calls for change or concrete political demands. The conversation touches upon the history of politically charged hip-hop and the influence of record labels on artists' ability to express radical views.
  • The State of American Politics: The discussion expands to a broader critique of the American political system, particularly the Democratic Party. The panelists express deep disillusionment with the Democrats' handling of social and political issues, accusing them of prioritizing corporate interests over the needs of marginalized communities. The rise of fascism and the role of the Green Party are also discussed.


  • The insightful and nuanced discussion of the complexities of Kendrick Lamar's performance and its various interpretations.
  • The passionate and critical analysis of the role of Black artists in mainstream media and the challenges of balancing artistic expression with political activism.
  • The sharp critique of the Democratic Party and its perceived failures to address systemic issues of inequality and injustice.
  • The introduction of Butch Ware, a Green Party vice-presidential candidate, and his campaign for Governor of California, offering a perspective on building a viable third-party alternative to the Democratic and Republican parties.

About Channel:

based on the hit tv show

With Briahna Joy Gray


Generated Summary Below:

Video Description:

My guest is Briahna Joy Gray ‪@BadFaithPodcast‬, a lawyer, journalist and political commentator. She is the host of the Bad Faith podcast.

We discuss the crisis of the Democratic party, online fact checkers vs. freedom of speech on social media, the mixed politics of populism and third party politics in the USA.

/ joshuacitarella

Part 2 is available for paid subscribers: / doomscroll-joy-122574952


  1. 0:00 Intro
  2. 0:57 Democratic party vs third parties
  3. 10:02 Green party & DSA
  4. 15:21 Force the vote
  5. 23:00 Realignment
  6. 34:00 Alt-media
  7. 38:40 Getting into politics
  8. 56:09 Rising, The Hill & deplatforming
  9. 1:06:55 Free speech vs fact checkers
  10. 1:20:10 TikTok & the Overton window
  11. 1:24:35 Keeping the faith

Generated Summary:

Main Topic: The limitations of the Democratic Party in enacting progressive change and the potential of third parties as an alternative.

Key Points:

  • Democratic Party Ineffectiveness: Briahna Joy Gray argues that the Democratic Party is incapable of enacting meaningful progressive change, citing examples like the failure to pass a $15 minimum wage despite holding power in both Congress and the White House. She contends that the party is more effective at defeating left-wing insurgencies than the political right.
  • Third-Party Politics: Gray discusses the challenges and potential of building a viable third party, suggesting the Green Party as a possible starting point due to its existing infrastructure. She acknowledges the difficulties but emphasizes the need for alternatives to the Democratic Party.
  • Force the Vote Strategy: Gray defends her support for the "Force the Vote" strategy, which aimed to leverage progressive leverage within the Democratic Party. She argues that this strategy, while controversial, could have yielded concessions and demonstrates the potential power of progressive unity.
  • Role of Alternative Media: Gray highlights the increasing importance of alternative media in reaching audiences disillusioned with mainstream news sources. She discusses her own experiences with censorship and the challenges of navigating the complexities of free speech and platform neutrality.
  • Political Realignment: Gray observes a significant political realignment, with voters seeking outlets for frustrations with the established political system. This realignment is reflected in the rise of alternative media and the appeal of unconventional political figures.
  • Personal Political Journey: Gray shares her personal journey into political activism, influenced by her mother's anti-establishment views and the impact of Bernie Sanders' campaigns. She emphasizes the importance of maintaining hope and optimism despite the challenges.


  • Gray's candid assessment of the Democratic Party's shortcomings and her willingness to explore alternative political strategies.
  • Her insightful analysis of the role of alternative media and the challenges of navigating free speech debates.
  • Her personal anecdotes and reflections on her experiences in political activism and journalism.
  • The discussion of the "Force the Vote" strategy and its implications for progressive political power.
  • The exploration of the complexities of political realignment and the search for viable alternatives to the two-party system.

About Channel:

Doomscroll explores online culture and politics in the 21st century.

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