
joined 7 months ago
[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 21 points 3 hours ago

Classic GOP. Campaign on fixing something that they blame another admin for and then turn around and say they can’t control that thing to fulfill on their promise.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 8 points 5 hours ago

The missing tooth detail got me

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 25 points 3 days ago (8 children)

Well maybe their dumbasses will learn something about how stupid she is

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

What makes you think I wasn't verbally critical of him? I was telling ppl that were praising him that he seemed to virtue signal and seemed shady back in 2017. I was told I was looking too much into it. But in retrospect...

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 28 points 4 days ago (9 children)

And the US tax payer is going to have to foot the bill on it...Elon sucks goldfish dick

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I've been using the KSADBOSSBO (KSAD) rectangular one with 1080p and rotatable camera. Has worked well. Audio and video is solid, and the IR feature is great for night time.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thanks for all the responses! It is a lame feeling as I do see it from others side (those that aren't being potentially violent assholes), but the cost of any one person having serious intent is too high now, especially since i've never had anyone say anything against the asshole's behavior.

With that said, having a camera has taken the edge off for me so I don't feel as confrontational, and I can just post them on the neighborhood app after walking away. But on the flip side, I now live in middle america...

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Yea, I'm not super young but definitely not old, but this makes probably the 15th or 16th time I've dealt with such incidences. If people were more likely to be vocal about it and reprimand their behavior publicly, I'd feel safer. But no one ever has. And many of those incidences have involved stated death threats. This doesn't include aggressions when I'm in a group of peers either. Of course when I'm with them, they all have my back. But alone? Nah.

I wish i could say this was all just my time in the bible belt, but this has happened in large, blue cities where I'd hoped I'd have more community support. This last incident was one of those cities.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

til what a monkey fist is

And thanks, i've dealt with this my entire life watching others just walk by and say nothing. So, at this point, it's just getting tiresome.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm thinking of doing so concealed and only drawing it in self-defense. So they wouldn't know I had one until they demonstrated lethal aggression first...for which the camera will provide evidence.

But tbh, even having the camera sort of takes me off edge so I don't feel as argumentative. I'll just post the video to the neighborhood app after walking away.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

I disagree. Not confronting them just encourages them to continue to keep it up.

And honestly, i do have a habit of confronting people (now) since others are often so likely to just not say anything against the bad behavior while others resort to victim shaming.

You're right though. Something could happen, and now I think I will take the precautions to ensure I'm prepared for such moments.

[–] houstoneulers@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Like I said, it feels lame, but in all the incidences that I've been in (whether or not I've responded), no one in the community ever reprimands the other or even stays to confirm the circumstances to the cops. Their lack of action just serves as motivation for these guys to continue b/c no one will call them out for their behavior.

So there's this, or something even more extreme, which I'm not ruling out at this point. I live in america after all.


A few weeks ago i was walking my dog around 11pm, and a driver jokingly did a brake torque as we were crossing the street. He was maybe 3 feet away from us.

After yelling at each other, he threatened to kill me and my dog the next time he saw us. As I pulled my camera he peeled out and hurled a racial comment my way. Sadly, there was so much movement i couldnt get the plate, and i didnt get anything that happened before that on camera.

So I got a body cam to wear for all my walks. Unfortunately, this is not the only time people have been racist and threatened my life so I’m just tired of it and hoping it might encourage people to behave. Feels lame, but it does provide some comfort. Does anyone else do the same?

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