"He was just waving hello"
That's what his co-student said. While that may be the case, it sure doesn't sound like it, and they have the receipts so - I wouldn't be betting a lot on that horse.
"He was just waving hello"
That's what his co-student said. While that may be the case, it sure doesn't sound like it, and they have the receipts so - I wouldn't be betting a lot on that horse.
Who the fuck is still on that nazi shithole
Although I understand, I was dismayed to discover I misread it as "ACME" Standard Scaling Banana.
Banana sized. Or, 1.
Jesus fucking Christ you fucking idiot bastards
*raises hand*
Uh, this is a Lemmy’s sir
Hey guys, can one of y’all bring back that usb-c adapter when you’re done with it? Cheers.
Bye Firefox. Boy we had some good times, huh.
Yeah they're not going to do that until a few people leave the company. And they have no plans to leave.
It was bound to happen, sooner or later.